

How to Troubleshoot WSUS Error Code 0x80072EE6

The Windows operating system releases updates from time to time. These updates help protect your system from the latest security problems. But sometimes Windows Update gives unexpected errors, such as 80072EE6. Windows displays this error code when a user tries to download a Windows 10 update through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).

In this article, you will learn how to fix error code 80072EE6 in Windows Server Update Services.

What causes WSUS error code 0x80072EE6?

A possible cause of WSUS error code 80072EE6 is an invalid URL or an invalid update processing area. Windows 10 has a collection policy setting called “Specify Microsoft Intranet Update Service Location”. If the URL specified in this setting becomes invalid, you may get error code 80072EE6. read more


How to Repair: Libmysql.dll is Missing on Windows 10

Libmysql.dll errors are caused by situations in which the libmysql DLL file is deleted or corrupted. In some cases, libmysql.dll errors may indicate a registry problem, a virus or malware, or even a hardware failure.

Libmysql.dll error messages can occur when using or installing certain programs, when starting or stopping Windows, or even during Windows installation.

The libmysql.dll error context is important information that will be helpful in solving the problem. Whatever error message appears on your system, just try one by one the suggested solutions. read more


Error Fix: “Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost” and “Microsoft.Windows.Cortana” Applications Need to be Installed

The Start menu is one of the features highlighted in Windows 10. The reason is that Microsoft removed the Start menu in Windows 8, and many users asked the Redmond software “giant” to restore it. The company listened to its consumers, and as a result, the Start menu is back in Windows 10. If you’re having problems with the Start menu, most Windows experts advise you to run the Start menu troubleshooter.

However, after running the troubleshooter, some users found that some of the problems they found were still present and the troubleshooter was unable to fix them. One of these issues is the following: read more


How to Repair the Missing “Show Desktop” Shortcut

If the “Show Desktop” button on the Windows 10 taskbar is missing, this article will show you how to fix the problem. In the bottom right corner (right next to the Action Center icon) of the Windows 10 taskbar, there’s a “Show Desktop” button.

If you hover your mouse over this button, you can view or preview your desktop – and if you click this button, all the apps and folders in the taskbar are minimized to show the desktop. If the Show Desktop button is missing, not working, or not available, this message may be helpful. read more


How to Prevent Mouse Pointer Auto-Selecting when Hovering Over a Hyperlink on Windows 10

Does the mouse pointer on your computer select something automatically when you hover over it for a few seconds? Some Windows 10 users are complaining about a similar problem on the forum. If you encounter the same problem, don’t worry.

In this article, we are going to share some simple solutions with which you can easily solve this problem. But before we move on to more serious solutions, read what causes the issue,  it will help you understand your problem quickly.

Why does the mouse pointer automatically select when hovering over a hyperlink?

All Windows devices come standard with an auto-select feature. Although it may vary depending on the version of windows you are using, it basically does the same thing. This feature can be activated without your consent for a number of reasons. Whatever the reason, it is important to disable it, especially if you have not enabled this feature yourself. When this auto-select feature is enabled, users notice a floating selection problem. read more


How to Remove Caps Lock on Screen Notifications on Windows 10

When we press the Caps Lock key, the system displays a pop-up message saying that the Caps Lock key is on and makes a sound. Sometimes it can be annoying to see this sound and display every time we press the Caps Lock key. This article describes different ways to disable the audible and visual notification when the Caps Lock key is pressed.

What does the Caps Lock notification mean on my screen?

The Caps Lock notification can show up if your keyboard (or Ease of Access) is configured to show a notification when you turn on/off the Caps Lock key. In this case, disabling the Caps Lock notification on the keyboard (or in the Ease of Access settings) may solve the problem. However, these settings may not be available to all users, as there are different OEMs. read more


How to Repair “Device requires further installation” Error in Windows 10

When you try to connect an external device to your computer, you may get the error Device requires additional installation. What causes this error and how to fix it? In this article, we will tell you about the most effective solutions.

When you connect your external hard drive to your computer, you may receive an error Device that requires additional installation. Typically, external devices include USB sticks, headphones, speakers, etc.

Although the “USB Device Requires Further Installation” error obviously does not affect functionality, users also want to know how to fix the error. read more


How to Troubleshoot: Microsoft Setup Bootstrapper has Stopped Working

In Microsoft Office 2013, 2016, and 2019, BootStrapper is responsible for initializing an application created with the Composite Application Library. This relatively new technology was designed to simplify the dependencies required during the installation process.

Some users have seen the “Microsoft setup boots-trapper has stopped working” error when trying to run one, several, or all of the applications in the Microsoft Office suite. This problem has been reported on several versions of Windows (Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10) and confirmed in connection with several versions of Microsoft Office (2013, 2016, 2019). read more


How to Repair Microsoft Publisher Won’t Save Files as PDF

Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing application developed by Microsoft. As a program, it is often used to create documents. Since documents are usually meant to be read, it is natural that people want to save them in one format or another.

For some time now, users have complained that Microsoft Publisher causes problems when they try to save documents in PDF format. Users may get the following error when trying to save a Publisher file in PDF or XPS format: Microsoft Publisher cannot save the file. read more



SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED is a common Windows 10 error that occurs mostly due to an outdated or incompatible driver.

It is more difficult to fix this problem than other BSODs, because several drivers can be the cause of the problem, and sometimes the computer does not recognize all of them. Therefore, the first step to fix this error should be to find the exact driver causing the problem.

In this article, we will look at what this code means, when it occurs, why it occurs, and present effective methods of solving the problem. read more

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