

System recovery failed to restore the directory from the recovery point

We have often chosen System Restore to solve a problem. In most cases, it solves the problem within minutes. However, in some cases, system recovery may fail and an error message may appear as follows:

System recovery failed when restoring the directory from the recovery point

  • System recovery failed. The system files and settings on your computer have not changed.
  • Details: System recovery failed when recovering the directory from the recovery point.
  • Source: AppxStaging
  • Target: %Program Files%WindowsApps
  • An unspecified error occurred during system recovery. (0x80070091)

This article shows you how to solve this problem. read more


How to block the installation of third-party applications on Windows 10

Microsoft has taken Windows 10 security and privacy to a whole new level by implementing a new feature that prevents the installation of third-party applications on Windows 10 computers. Although users previously had to use third-party optimizations and software to prevent other users from installing software on Windows 10 computers, such an application blocker is no longer required if you have installed Windows 10 Creators Update. Learn how to block third-party application installations on Windows 10 Creators Update. read more


Fixing OneDrive synchronization problems and Windows 10 problems

try to omit unnecessary subfolders and try to get destinations as close to the root directory as possible.

9] Check if there is a duplicate file or folder with the same name

If you use multiple PCs to synchronize with the same cloud drive and more than one tries to share a path with the same address as the location, a conflict is created. The path name can be changed on any device to fix the problem. read more


General VPN Error Codes Troubleshooting and Solutions for Windows 10

t’ for locally created VPN connections. Clicking the Diagnostics button displayed on the VPN connection error page gives a repair option that attempts to solve the problem automatically, provided the problem is absent as a miniport.

  • Stop and Start, Remote Access Connection Manager (rasman) service.
  • Simply reboot your system and connect to the VPN.

3rd VPN error code 0x80072746

Error description: This is one of the most common VPN errors when the existing connection is forced closed by the remote host. This error occurs when the server machine certificate is not linked to HTTPS on the VPN server or when the server machine certificate is not installed on the VPN server. read more


Windows 10 Case Creators Update Issues and Problems Reported

Some users who upgraded their PC to Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Windows 10 Creators Update or Windows 10 Fall Creators Update reported several random problems. The actual number may be very small, but we list a few in our comments and in the Reddit & Microsoft Answers forum.

Problems with Windows 10 after upgrading to a new version

While my upgrade experience as such went smoothly, I first had two problems on my Windows 10 Pro Dell laptop:

  1. I did not have Internet access after upgrading
  2. My power options were missing in the Start menu.

Let’s see other random reactions :

Said Rockstarrocks:

The guys aren’t downloading it yet, it’s not stable enough to be reliable yet. Since yesterday evening I have two BSODs (stop code: reference by pointer), sometimes the touchpad buttons do not work, the start menu does not display all programs (dell audio in my case, drivers and software are installed for them), Cortana is buggy like hell. read more


Windows Module Install Worker High CPU &#038 ; Using the disk under Windows 10

A common problem under Windows 10/8/7 is the inexplicable use of High Disk, which sometimes blocks all other processes in the system. In many cases, when you check the Task Manager, the CPU and hard disk usage of the Windows Installer Worker module is very high – sometimes even more than 50%!

The Windows Modules Installer Worker or WMIW or TiWorker.exe checks for new Windows server updates and installs them on your computer system. This process can place a load on the system and, in some cases, increase disk usage by up to 100%, causing all other processes to be suspended or frozen. A system reboot does not work and the problem does not resolve itself. read more


Troubleshooting High IPR problems with the remote desktop under Windows 10

Handling a remote desktop with high DPI (dots per inch) can be very tricky under Windows 10 v1703. However, most DPI-related problems can be carefully mitigated.

Problems with high DPI values usually occur when connecting devices such as Surface Pro 3 and Surface Pro 4 with external monitors. When DPI problems occur, the taskbar, icons, text and dialog boxes appear very small or disproportionate. The DPI problem also occurs when you use multiple monitors with different screen resolutions. The Windows interface may also appear as fuzzy text. read more


Delete files and Clean hard disk via Windows 10 Settings

Disk space disappearance is a common scenario for most computer users, so it is essential that you clean up your disk space from time to time. Most of us use the built-in disk cleaner or a free useless file cleaner. Windows 10 users have another option, via Windows 10 Settings.

Clean hard disk with Windows 10 settings

In the Start menu, open Windows 10 Settings, select System, then click Storage to open the next window.

Here you see your drives listed with the storage space used under Local Storage. Select the drive you want more information about the type of files stored and the space they use. read more


Turning the pilot on or off under Windows 10

You can turn the pilot on or off in Windows 10 Creators Update v1703 using the settings. Here you can also adjust the brightness of your computer screen. The Night Light function is something like F.lux or SunsetScreen, which allows users to vary the intensity of their screen and automatically warm up the display over time. It reduces the monitor’s blue light and uses yellowish light to make the screen warmer. You can either light the pilot manually or program it with the specified options. In this article, we will see how to activate and turn on the night light under Windows 10. read more


An error occurred when Internet connection sharing was enabled

Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) is the process of sharing the Internet connection with devices already connected to the Internet. Devices that share their connection are called access points. It is very useful for those who are most mobile when it is not possible to connect multiple Ethernet cables or connect to WiFi.

Enable Internet connection sharing (ICS) on Windows

Internet connection sharing is enabled by default. However, if you need to disable/enable it, you must perform the following steps :

1] Open the Run window by searching Run in Windows Search. read more

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