

Netflix M7702-1003 error on Windows computer

The best way to get bored is to watch Netflix movies and TV shows online or broadcast them directly to your Windows 10 PC. However, when you try to play Netflix videos, you sometimes see an unusual Netflix M7702-1003 error in your Chrome browser on a Windows PC with the following message :

Oops, something went wrong. Missing component. We cannot find all the components needed to play Netflix on this device. Visit chrome://components, locate the component WidevineCdm and click the Check for Update button. read more


How to delete Facebook contacts & calendar birthdays in Windows 10

If you logged into Windows 10 with a Microsoft account and installed the Facebook application on your Windows 10 PC or Windows 10 mobile phone, you will find the calendar application full of events and birthdays every day. Well, that doesn’t make sense to me, because almost every day I had a blue dot informing me that someone had a birthday or something was happening. That’s because we have many Facebook friends and therefore many birthdays. I also didn’t like my Facebook friends’ contact information overloading my list on my Windows phone. read more


There were some problems installing the updates, but we will try again later

When updating your Windows PC, if you receive an error message – There were some problems installing the updates, but we will try again later on Windows 10, then this message may help you. The corresponding error codes can be arbitrary – 0x800705b4, 0x8024402f, 0x80070422, 0x8024002e, etc.

I recently encountered this update problem with my Windows 10 Dell XPS, which I hadn’t updated for a long time. That’s what I did and what helped me. I hope it helps you too.

There have been some problems installing updates

1] Open Windows Explorer and browse to C:Windows Software Distribution. Now delete the entire contents of the SoftwareDistribution folder. The folder SoftwareDistribution folder in the Windows operating system is a folder in the Windows directory that hides files that may be needed to install Windows Update on your computer. read more


The Share tab is missing in the Properties box of the Windows 10 folder

In Windows, right-click a folder and select Properties to select various options in the folder properties, such as General, Share, Security, Previous Versions, and Customize. The Share tab allows a user to share a folder with other users who are currently connected to that computer or on the same network. We often use this option to transfer a folder or file from one computer to another without using a pen or USB stick. However, if there is no’Sharing’ tab in the’Folder Properties’ field or if you cannot share a folder, this message will show you how to resolve the problem with the’Sharing’ tab missing in Windows 10/8/7. read more


Use Microsoft Online Troubleshooting to troubleshoot Windows update errors

Sometimes Windows users have problems and problems installing Windows updates. Microsoft has made it easy for amateur computer users to fix Windows Update errors by starting an online error handler .

Fix Windows update errors

This guide contains steps to resolve Windows update installation issues, including some of the most common error codes such as 0x80073712, 0x800705B4, 0x80004005, 0x8024402F, 0x8024402F, 0x80070002, 0x80070643, 0x80070003, 0x8024200B, 0x80070422, 0x80070422, 0x80070020. But Troubleshooting will help you not only with these bugs, but also with most other bugs. read more


How to disable or enable ReFS or Resilient File System under Windows 10

Since time NTFS was developed and formulated in the Windows operating system, data storage requirements have changed radically. There was an urgent need for a next generation file system that would work well and solve the problems that existed in NTFS. It was then that Microsoft named and developed the plans ReFS (Resilient File System) in 2012 – and was introduced in Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 . ReFS was designed to maximize data availability and reliability even if the affected storage devices had a hardware failure. read more


Enable or disable network discovery on Windows 10/8/7

Network Discovery in the Windows operating system is a network setting that allows you to determine if other computers on the network can see your computer or if your computer can find other computers and devices on the network. When Network Discovery is enabled, sharing files and printers on a network becomes easier.

If you remember that the first time you connected to a network on your Windows PC, you would have been asked if it was a private, public or domain network. read more


Bypass installation of Windows 10 Cumulative Update KB3194496 successful

Microsoft released last Friday an update of its version 1607 of Windows 10 Anniversary Update v 1607, which would have put some Windows 10 PCs in a reboot loop. The cumulative update KB3194496 that your Windows 10 updated for Build 14393.222 has completed some devices after several failed installation attempts. The message received is usually:

(1) Cumulative update for Windows 10 version 1607 for systems based on x64 (KB3194496) failed

Users affected by the failed installation brought their disappointment to the Microsoft Insider forum, where the discussion now extends to more than 25 pages. read more


Ethernet or WiFi has no valid IP configuration error under Windows 10/8/7

If you use Windows Network Diagnostics Troubleshooter to troubleshoot connection problems, you may receive one of the following messages depending on the problem:

  • WiFi does not have a valid IP configuration
  • Ethernet does not have a valid IP configuration
  • The wireless network connection does not have a valid IP configuration.

If you get one wireless network connection that does not have a valid IP configuration, this message may help. Review the list of suggestions and see which would apply to you.

WiFi or Ethernet does not have a valid IP configuration

1] Reset your wireless router or modem and restart your Windows computer to see if this solves the problem. If this problem has occurred recently, you may want to restore your computer to good condition. read more


Reset the Windows administrator password with Sticky Keys

Resetting a lost or forgotten administrator password can be a bit tedious for a general Windows user if you don’t have the right tools and techniques to reset it, depending on the operating system you are using. However, there are several free third-party password recovery tools on the market that can help you reset your password, but this is not our problem here. This manual shows you how to reset and recover a lost or forgotten Windows password using a simple Sticky Keys. read more

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