

Having Err 99 in Canon? Perform the following steps

Having Err 99 in Canon? Perform the following steps

It’s quite common for Canon DSLR cameras to get an “Error 99” message. Some say it’s a memory card error, others say it’s related to the camera battery. The truth is that it could be one of two or several other problems that could be related to either the camera body or the lens.

Here are some tips to help you diagnose error 99. These tips assume that you have already tried a different lens (from the camera manufacturer) and a different CF card (freshly formatted). read more


Fixing the RLC-1000 error code in the Spectrum app via Roku

RLC-1000 error code in the Spectrum app via Roku

When streaming Spectrum TV on a Roku streamer, you sometimes experience problems with error codes such as Spectrum RLC-1000 application error code, Elevate Spectrum TV Error, WUC-1002, and many others. You can fix these errors with the troubleshooting tips in this article.

Like all Roku error codes, RLC-1000 error codes can be encountered many times by Roku player users. The RLC 1000 error code message is usually displayed as “Spectrum App Not Working”. Spectrum App is one of the most demanding content providers for mobile devices, live TV, and video on demand. read more


How to fix the error 0x80240061 when installing the Intel Management Engine Interface driver

error 0x80240061 when installing the Intel Management Engine Interface driver

Many Windows users report crashes and errors when updating Windows 10. One of the most common errors that users often encounter is Windows 10 update error 0x80240061. There can be several reasons for the occurrence of this error. Here, we will take a look at the solutions to fix this problem.

If you are also facing this error, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you fix Windows 10 update error 0x80240061.

What is the cause of error 0x80240061

What is the cause of error 0x80240061

WU can’t choose the latest version: As some modified users have already reported, Windows Update can’t always choose the latest available version of the Intel Administration Engine interface. If this is indeed the case, you can solve the dilemma by configuring it manually (either with the Driver and Service Assistant application or by simply installing a driver variant). read more


Fixed 0xc00d36b4 “Cant Play” error in the Groove music player

0xc00d36b4 "Cant Play" error in the Groove music player

On Windows 8/8.1/10, the Xbox Music app can be a good alternative to the regular Windows Media Player. The Xbox Music app makes it easy to organize your songs with various filters and play them through a modern and charming user interface.

We have already looked at how to fix Can`t Play error with code 0xc00d11cd(0x8000ffff), 0xc00d36b4(0xc00d36b4) or for this app. However, we recently encountered another error when playing music from the app. In this scenario, every time we tried to play a song, this error prevented us from doing so. read more


Fixed: Windows Store Crash Exception Code 0xc000027b

Windows Store Crash Exception Code 0xc000027b

During normal operation, the Windows Store may close and display an exception code 0xc000027b. This error may occur due to incorrect time and date settings, which may result in an inability to access the Internet.

Exclusion code 0xc000027b can also occur when the Windows Store requires a forced update. It can also occur if something went wrong in the MS Store configuration. Let’s fix Windows exception code 0xc000027b.

What is the cause of Windows Store Crash exception code 0xc000027b

What is the cause of Windows Store Crash exception code 0xc000027b

Damaged registry keys: some registry keys can also be responsible for storing data related to the Windows Store component malfunction. Some affected users were able to resolve the issue by using Registry Editor to remove the affected registry key. read more


How do I fix Twitch chat not showing up

Twitch chat not showing up

Twitch allows fans to chat with streamers. It allows customers to watch content they are interested in on a platform that supports long-form structures and live streaming. If your Twitch isn’t working properly, it could be due to third-party extensions installed on your browser, its cache, proxy settings, etc. Read the full solution to the problem How can I fix Twitch chat not showing?

The problem occurs when Twitch chat is not connected to the IRC channel. This can occur due to interference from some extensions, weak internet connection, or sometimes proxy configuration. In many cases, the problem only occurs because you are trying to stream by connecting Twitch to a limited network. The problem can also occur for many other reasons, which are described below. read more


How to fix an iPhone or iPad that cannot be synced. Unknown error -39 has occurred

iPhone or iPad that cannot be synced. Unknown error -39 has occurred

Many iTunes users encounter one of the most common problems with iTunes – error 39 with the message “Unable to sync iPhone (iPad/iPod). An unknown error has occurred (-39).

How does this unknown error occur? The iTunes 39 error usually occurs when syncing or restoring an iPhone iPad iPod using iTunes. Many Apple users suffer from iTunes Error 39, especially when trying to delete photos or videos from their iOS devices or download photos or videos from the iTunes library to their iOS devices. read more


Fixed: Disk space error 0x80780119 when creating a system image

Disk space error 0x80780119

Windows hard disk space error code 0x80780119 indicates that your computer has space issues when creating system images. If your primary disk/partition or system does not have enough space to create a system image, you may see the Disk Space Error 0x80780119 pop-up message.

To fix this error, you can create a new system partition; you can also expand the partition you are using. It may happen that there is enough space on the protected system disk to create a system image, but the USN log disk becomes too big over time. If you handle the disk space error 0x80780119, it may disappear on its own. read more


How to fix the Crashing of 7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die is a survival and horror game. It is popular with players because of its realistic characters and scenes. Recently, some players have reported that 7 Days to Die crashes when they run it. If 7 Days to Die has the misfortune to crash on your computer, there are likely some graphical problems. Of course, there may be other factors as well.

This problem can be quite frustrating for players. The good news is that effective solutions have been reported by some players. Do you want to get rid of the crash problem? Just read on to find out the details. read more


How to fix Fallout bug: Ordinal 43 not Found or could not be located

Ordinal 43 not Found or could not be located

Sometimes gamers encounter unexpected problems in Windows. Problems with DLL files are common. This article explains how to troubleshoot ordinal 43 or 42 not found in the dynamic link library in the xlive.dll file.

This error occurs when you try to open a game that requires the Windows Live service. This error usually occurs in Windows 10. There are some quick solutions to get rid of this problem.

What causes the Fallout error: Cannot find ordinal 43 or not found

What causes the Fallout error: Cannot find ordinal 43 or not found

Windows Live games have not been installed: Games for Windows Live is an online gaming service used by branded games for Windows PCs that allows Windows PCs to connect to the Microsoft Live service. read more

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