

How to Fix uTorrent Disk Overloaded Error in Windows

Many users report that the “uTorrent Disk Overloaded” error occurs when the download speed reaches 4-5MB/s. When file pre-sharing is disabled, the “uTorrent Disk Overloaded” error causes too much data to be written to the hard drive at the same time. This error can also occur when downloading multiple large files at the same time.

After studying numerous reports and user reports, we have explored several effective troubleshooting methods. Let’s see how to fix uTorrent disk overload. read more


How to Fix “Error in supR3HardenedWinReSpawn” Error in VirtualBox

Many VirtualBox users have faced the following problem when starting a virtual machine after rebooting the computer: “VirtualBox – Error in supR3HardenedWinReSpawn” and after clicking OK, there is no clear explanation of the problem, except that there are many “WinVerifyTrust” DLL files missing.

Problem description: on a Windows 10 computer, after installing the latest version of VirtualBox and rebooting the machine, the following error message appears when starting the virtual machine: read more


How to Resolve Missing or Not Working Live Events in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is an important collaboration platform that organizations use to share information between their employees. With the Live Active Events feature, employees can easily get the latest tasks and assignments on a single dashboard.

However, many users report that the Microsoft Teams Live Events feature has problems and stops working. So if you too have encountered this problem, you are not alone. Countless users are reporting the same problem. This problem can be caused by faulty internet or outdated software. read more


How to Fix `SSL_Error_Bad_Mac_Alert` in Firefox

When browsing websites in Mozilla Firefox, you may encounter errors such as SSL_ERROR_BAD_MAC_ALERT. This problem occurs mostly on Mac computers and not so often on Windows 10 PCs. When users try to access secure websites with security certificate issues, the error is displayed. An error message is displayed:

“Secure connection failed.
An error occurred when connecting to SSL host is reporting an invalid message authentication code. Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_MAC_ALERT
The page you are trying to access cannot be displayed because the authenticity of the received data cannot be verified.
Please contact the owners of the site to let them know about this problem.” read more


Solution: System Error 6118 has Occurred in CMD

The error message “System error 6118 has occurred – The list of servers for this workgroup is not available” can occur when you try to use the net view /all command at the command line to view a complete list of network devices.

In most cases, affected users report that devices do not show up in File Explorer under Network although they can ping them directly from the CMD prompt. In this post, we will explain the reasons and provide the most appropriate solutions for the problem. read more


Workaround: Windows 10 Freezing when Pressing Print Screen

Taking a screenshot on your computer is as easy as it is on your smartphone, but not being able to take one in critical situations can be stressful. Recently, several users reported that their Windows 10 hangs when they press the “Print Screen” key on their keyboard. While researching the problem, we found out that there could be several causes, including corrupted drivers or Windows debug mode.

If you’ve encountered a problem like this, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a list of troubleshooting methods to help you quickly identify and solve the problem. read more


Fixed: OneDrive Icon Missing from the Windows 10 Taskbar

OneDrive is a file hosting and synchronization service offered by Microsoft. It is an important tool in Windows, especially for those who want to synchronize files and folders. It also allows you to transfer files to cloud storage.

In Windows 10, OneDrive always appears on the right side of the taskbar. The icon is the gateway to access OneDrive. Unfortunately, the OneDrive icon can sometimes disappear from the taskbar, making it difficult for users to access OneDrive. In addition, the OneDrive icon also disappears from File Explorer. read more


Troubleshooting: Something wrong when loading the DC-WFF.dll

Sometimes the error “Something wrong when loading the DC-WFF.dll” appears every time you start your Windows computer. What is it and how do you fix it? Well, DC_WFF.dll is part of TWCU (short for TP-LINK Wireless Configuration Utility).

The “dc_wff.dll” module failed to load is a somewhat annoying error, but luckily there are several ways to fix it. Follow these solutions one by one until you find one that works for you.

What causes the error message “Something wrong when loading the DC-WFF.dll”?

DC-WFF.DLL may fail to load if the file is not properly registered in the Windows environment. Incorrect installation of conflicting applications (e.g. TP-Link) may also be the cause of the current problem. read more


Fix Photoshop CC Installation Failed Error

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular and professional image editing programs used by industry leaders. All Adobe applications are now available from Adobe Creative Cloud. You need to purchase Adobe Creative Cloud to get access to all Adobe services such as Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.

Now the problem is that Adobe Photoshop users are experiencing serious issues with Windows 10. Many Windows users reported this problem after the release of the new update.

What causes Photoshop CC installation to fail?

This problem has been reported by many users, and it usually occurs during the installation phase. The most common causes are incompatibility issues, corrupt installation files, or a third-party application blocking the installation of the program. read more


How to Resolve Gray x’s on Desktop Icons in Windows 10 PC

Have you noticed those green tick marks on desktop apps, files, and folders in recent versions of Windows 10? A green checkmark on an app, file, or folder means it’s synced with OneDrive. Recently, however, gray “X’s” has also been seen on files, folders, and apps, which makes them worry.

Perhaps syncing with OneDrive has somehow stopped due to the latest Windows 10 update, Dropbox, Norton, or something else. You can try restarting, resetting, or deleting the game from Steam, but the gray icons will likely come back. So what’s the solution at this point? read more

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