

We have encountered an error, please try to connect to a later Windows Store error

In recent days, we have surfed the Microsoft Answers forum to see and talk about problems encountered by Windows users. One of these problems occurred to us that users who tried to log in and open the Windows Store received the following message:

An error has occurred, please try connecting later

There are many reasons for this. This can be access data, the store application or the system itself. The cause must be carefully isolated. This problem is almost always solved at the end of the troubleshooting. To solve the problem, follow these steps: read more


The application did not start in the required time under Windows 10

The Windows Store provides easy access and automatic updating of Microsoft’s universal applications. Windows store applications have been tested and verified and should generally be easy to use. But nothing is perfect, especially when it comes to technology. One of the errors reported by Windows 10 users is that it was not started in the required time when loading applications.

The user tries to open the application and a window is loaded with dots on the screen. It continues for a while, then either nothing happens or this error message is displayed: read more


The action center does not open under Windows 10

Action Center is a feature of Windows 10 that informs you in real time about the applications and settings of your device. To use Windows Action Center 10, simply click the icon at the bottom right of the taskbar. You can also use the Win+A key combination to open the Windows Action Center. This feature allows you to delete notifications and even tell us what type of notifications you want to receive. You can then define which messages you need to observe and check further and which you want to reject. read more


Microsoft Register Server no longer works under Windows 10/8/7

If you have a Microsoft(C) Register Server stopped working error dialog box when you are working on your Windows computer, then this message may help you. Microsoft Register Server is the command to register DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) in Windows. This error may occur if you try to save a DLL file with the Regsvr32 command, or if the operating system does not save a DLL file.

Microsoft(C) Register Server no longer works

Microsoft(C) Register Server no longer works, Windows can search online for a solution to the problem.

The error message does not appear to affect routine operation but may cause undesirable distraction. If a problem occurs when recording DLLs, an error flashes on your computer screen. Fortunately, there is a workaround for this problem. read more


Windows File Explorer crashes when I right-click

Windows File Explorer is one of the most important elements of any version of Windows, because it allows users to more easily access different folders and files. The context menu with the right mouse button offers several useful elements with which you can perform several useful operations. But sometimes you will notice that your Windows File Explorer crashes when you right-click to open the context menu. If you are faced with this problem, here is what you need to do to solve the problem.

Before continuing, you should know that this problem occurs mainly when your programs add many items to the context menu. Misencoded items added by third-party software or services may cause this problem. read more


The product key entered does not match any of the Windows images available for installation

When installing Windows 10 as a clean installation on your device, an error may have occurred indicating that The product key entered does not match any of the Windows images available for installation. This happens if you have not even reached the phase for entering the product key.

You can get such an error even if you did all the right things before and during installation. You may have formatted the disk, downloaded the upgrade wizard and created a bootable USB stick. read more


Before installing Windows 10 Creators Update, you must review your privacy settings

If you still do not see Windows 10 Creators Update v1703 on your computer, you can check the notifications. Download and installation may be delayed if you have to do something manually. One day, I saw a notice I saw recently:

Before installing Windows 10 Creators Update, you should check your privacy settings

When you see this message, click on it and the following window opens.

Here, you must check your Windows 10 privacy settings, and it is important that you do so if you want to continue installing Windows 10 Creators Update. By clicking the button Check settings, the following window opens. read more


Why and how to disable SMB1 on Windows 10/8/7/7

Although the security problems in the systems are nowhere new, the confusion caused by the Wannacrypt ransom software has led to immediate action among netizens. Ransomware targets SMB service vulnerabilities in the Windows operating system.

SMB or Server Message Block is a network file sharing protocol for sharing files, printers, etc. between computers. There are three versions: Server Message Block (SMB) Version 1 (SMBv1), SMB Version 2 (SMBv2) and SMB Version 3 (SMBv3). Microsoft recommends you disable SMB1 for security reasons – and it is no more important to do so given the ransom epidemic of WannaCrypt or NotPetya.

Disable SMB1 on Windows

To defend against WannaCrypt ransomware, it is imperative to disable SMB1 and patches published by Microsoft. Let’s take a look at some of the ways to disable SMB1

Switch off SMB1 via system control

Open Control Panel > Programs and Features > Enable or Disable Windows Features

In the options list would be an option SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support. Clear the check box and press OK.

Restart your computer.

Disable SMBv1 with Powershell

Open a PowerShell window in administrator mode, type the following command and press Enter to disable SMB1 :

Set-ItemProperty -path'HKLM: SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanmanServerParameters' SMB1 -type DWORD -value 0 -force

If for any reason you need to temporarily disable SMB version 2 & version 3, use this command :

Set-ItemProperty -path'HKLM:SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanServerParameters' SMB2 -type DWORD -value 0 -Force

It is recommended to deactivate SMB version 1 as it is obsolete and uses technology that is nearly 30 years old.

Microsoft says that if you use SMB1, you lose key protection with later versions of the SMB protocol such as :

  1. Pre-authentication integrity (SMB – Protects against decommissioning attacks.
  2. Unsecured guest authentication (SMB 3.0+ on Windows 10+) – Protects against MiTM attacks.
  3. Secure Dialogue Negotiation (SMB 3.0, 3.02) – Protects against security degradation attacks.
  4. Better Message Signing (SMB 2.02+) – HMAC SHA-256 replaces MD5, as the hash algorithm in SMB 2.02, SMB 2.1 and AES-CMAC replaces SMB 3.0+. Increased signature performance in SMB2 and 3(14)
  5. (SMB 3.0+) encryption – Prevents data verification on the line, MiTM attacks. In SMB, encryption performance is even better than when signing.

If you want to enable them later (not recommended for SMB1), the commands would be as follows :

To enable SMB1:

Set-ItemProperty path'HKLM:SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanServerParameters' SMB1 type DWORD value 1 -Force

To enable SMB2 & SMB3:

Set-ItemProperty path'HKLM : SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanServerParameters' SMB2 Type DWORD Value 1 -Force

Disable SMB1 via Windows registry

You can also customize Windows registry to disable SMB1

Start regedit and navigate to the next registry key :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanServerParameter read more

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