

Restart and select the error message for the correct boot device on the Windows computer

If you have found a black screen with the message – Reboot and Select proper Boot device, Or Insert Boot Media in Selected Boot device and press a key, you are in the right place, because we will show you how to solve this problem.

This is a common problem among those who have changed their hard disk or inserted an additional hard disk. Whether you are using Windows 10 or an earlier version of Windows – you may have the same problem. There are many people who want to upgrade their hard disk by installing an additional hard disk, but if they do, they are very likely to receive this message when starting the machine after changing the hard disk. read more


Can I disable the Windows shop in Windows 10? Here is the explanation.

Many users want to block access to the Windows Store for their own reasons. However, if you find that you cannot or cannot disable the Windows store in Windows 10 Pro, this article will explain why.

Windows Store cannot be turned off

If you recently updated your computer to Windows 10 Pro v 1511, you will notice that the setting is not applied even if you apply the group policy setting corresponding to Turn off the Store application.

This is a design because Microsoft has now deleted this option.

Previously, you could navigate to the following GPOs to disable the Windows store in Windows 10 Pro. read more


Check dangerous or unsigned certificates with SigCheck

Some of you may remember SuperFish or eDellRoot. These were insecure root certificates installed on users’ computers without their knowledge. While most anti-malware tools are capable of identifying and removing malicious certificates, there are tools like RCC Root Certificate Scanner that focus on removing dangerous root certificates from a Windows computer. SysInternals SigCheck from Microsoft is another tool that does not scan dangerous and unsigned certificates, but now even scans all files in a folder with VirusTotal. read more


How to manually check Windows Store application updates in Windows 10

Because we keep our Windows operating system and desktop software up to date, we must also ensure that our Windows Store applications are up to date. By default, Windows 10 is configured to automatically search and update Windows Store applications. However, if you have disabled automatic updates, you must manually check for updates for Windows Store applications. This article shows you how to manually check for updates for Windows Store App & Games in Windows 10.

Manual check for Windows Store application updates

If you have turned off automatic application updates, you may need to check them manually. To check for updates to your Windows Store applications and games, open the Store application and click the user image. read more


Windows 10 always offers the same update or installs it

If Microsoft Update or Windows Update offers or installs the same update again and again in Windows 10/8/7, this post suggests things you may want to try to fix.

This usually occurs when an update has not been properly installed and your Windows operating system cannot detect the update installed or partially installed. In this scenario, it considers that your system needs the update and therefore installs it again and again.

Windows 10 will continue to install the same update

1] First, you should try writing the update number that will be installed again and again. It will be something like KB1234567. read more


Load external subtitles in Windows 10 movies & TV-App

Slowly but surely, Windows 10 users have become interested in the Microsoft application Movies & TV or Movies & TV(16), because they can load external subtitles during movie playback. This was a major disadvantage in standard applications such as Windows Media Player. This has led users to switch to alternative applications such as VLC Player to load subtitles. Not any more!

Loading external subtitles in Movies & TV App

Movies & TV app in Windows 10 supports loading external subtitles. If you are interested in loading an external subtitle file into the Movies & TV application under Windows 10, proceed as follows. Edit audio tracks. read more


How to give feedback to Windows 10 Start search to Microsoft

Microsoft loves feedback, so they made it easy for you to give them feedback on Windows 10 Start Search. Microsoft collects feedback from users so that they can improve their products and services and identify and resolve problems.

Give feedback on Cortana, Bing, Start Search to Microsoft

To give feedback to Microsoft on searching in Windows 10, click the search icon on the taskbar. The start menu with the search field opens.

Click on the feedback icon on the left side to open the form in the beginning itself, as shown in the image.

Here you can submit your ideas, what you like or dislike, comment up to 400 characters and insert a screenshot. If you use language, you can use your voice to dictate your feedback. read more


To remove the lock sign for encrypted files in Windows 10

One of the best ways to protect your data is to encrypt all important files and folders. Microsoft offers a simple tool called EFS (Encrypted File Service). Microsoft’s integrated tool is quite simple in its function. With a few mouse clicks, your files are safely stored in its safe. When a folder is encrypted, Windows adds a lock icon to the folder icon to identify it as an encrypted folder. However, if you do not want anyone to know that this is an encrypted folder, you can delete the overlay icon. read more


How to use WordPad under Windows 10

I bet some of you haven’t heard of WordPad yet. Or even if you have heard about it, if you have not used it or if you have simply forgotten its existence. Why? Why? Well, if we need a simple text editor, we use the notepad (16). If we need an advanced text editor, we use Microsoft Word. But somewhere in the middle, with more features than the modest Notepad, but less features than the powerful Wordpad software, is Wordpad – it’s free!

WordPad is a word processing software with basic formatting options and is included in all versions of the Windows 95 or later operating system. He was always there, but he never really did much good. In this post today, we will see how to use Wordpad under Windows 10 and reset Wordpad settings if something goes wrong. read more


Make Movies & TV App from Windows 10 always download HD videos

The Movies & TV application of Windows 10 is a universal application. This means that you can download and use the application on Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile, regardless of the device you are using. If you’ve just run Windows 10 Store, you’ll find the Movies & TV section, which lists a variety of movies and TV shows for your ad. The viewing experience is varied when the image is of good HD quality. A simple setting in the Movies & TV application allows you to upload your videos in HD. read more

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