

We’re sorry, but you can’t go back. The files we need to bring you back have been deleted

If you do not like the new operating system, you can reset Windows 10 to the previously installed version of Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 SP1. But what if you get one You can’t go back message when you clicked the Start button to Windows Rollback 10?

We’re sorry, but you can’t come back. The files we need to take you back to an earlier version of Windows have been removed from this PC


If you received this message, it could mean two things:

  1. You go back after one month of upgrading to Windows 10. After the v1670 anniversary update, the period was reduced to 10 days.
  2. You have deleted the $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS folders that the system needs for the rollback process.

Microsoft mentioned that the dismantling operation is only available for one month, after which the files necessary for this operation are deleted. After one month, we assume 30 days, but I saw the Microsoft support staff mentioned in Microsoft’s responses, a period of 28 days, in the case of Windows 10. as previously mentioned, in Anniversary Update v1670, the period was reduced to 10 days. read more


Boot device error not accessible on Windows 10

If you receive errors INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE after upgrading to Windows 10, or after using Reset in Windows 10, this message suggests a way to resolve the problem.

The INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE error check usually indicates that the Windows operating system lost access to the system partition on boot. In this case, the system usually stops after a blue screen or stop error is displayed to protect against probable data damage or loss.


Here are some suggestions you can try to solve the problem. See what applies in your case: read more


New Windows 10 WinKey keyboard shortcuts you want to know

WinKey +LEFT ARROWShow active window in left half of monitorWinKey +right arrow

Anchor the active window in the right half of the monitorMaximum maximize restore or minimize the active window vertically and horizontallyWinKey +down arrow. of the active windowWinKey +SHIFT UP ARROWMaxim the active window vertically, while maintaining the current width.WinKey +SHIFT+
DOWN ARROWRestore or minimize the vertically active window.

WinKey +SHIFT+LEFT ARROWWith multiple monitors, move the active window to the left monitor. read more


Windows 10 Problems and solutions

Here are two Twitter messages that confirm the problem with the Windows store:

So far, upgrading to #Windows10 on a 5 year old PC has been smooth, except I can’t use Cortana or install applications from the Windows store. – CheckedShirtMatt (@ec1matt) July 29, 2015


Why can’t I install anything from the Windows store? I just wanted to play C++ Minecraft – Aar (@Aarmastah) July 29, 2015

There is no solution to the problem, but it was reported to the Windows team. I hope the problem will be solved soon. But in the meantime, you can see point 3 of Windows 10 Guru Fixed. read more


Readers lists with the command prompt & PowerShell under Windows 10

If you use the command prompt or PowerShell frequently, you may need to copy files to or from an external drive. This article shows you how to list drives with Command Prompt or PowerShell under Windows 10 / 8 / 7.

List of readers with prompt

If you just want to list the readers, you can use WMIC. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the data and operations management infrastructure for Windows operating systems.

Open a command prompt and type the following command : read more


Change the color of the mouse pointer and blacken it under Windows 10 for better visibility

The default mouse pointer in Windows 10 is white with a black frame – as in previous versions of Windows. While most agree, some may find it difficult to attend – especially those who would otherwise be able to. Of course, you can change the thickness of the Windows cursor and the blinking speed at any time to make it more visible, or you can press the CTRL key to locate the mouse pointer. But under Windows 10, change the color of the mouse pointer and make it black.

Black mouse pointer and cursor

To make the mouse pointer black, click the Start button to open Start. read more


Find the Windows 10 product key with VB Script

This article shows you how to find your Windows 10 product key with a VB script. But I must add that this also works on Windows 8.1, Windows 7 and earlier versions. If, for any reason, you need to know your Windows license or serial number, this article is sure to help.

Find Windows Product Key 10

Open a notepad and insert the following :

Set WshShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell') MsgBox ConvertToKey(WshShell.RegRead('HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionDigitalProductId'))) ConvertToKey(key) Const keyOffset = 52 i = 28 characters ='BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789'. Tun Cur = 0 x = 14 Tun Cur = Cur Cur * 256 Cur = Key(x + KeyOffset) + Cur KeyOffset) + Cur Key(x + KeyOffset) = (Cur 24) and 255 Cur = Cur Mod 24 x = x -1 Loop While x >= 0 i = i -1 KeyOutput = Mid(Character, Cur + 1, 1, 1) & KeyOutput If ((((29 - i) Mod 6) = 0) and (i <> -1) then i = i -1 KeyOutput ='- -''' -'. If loop During i >= 0 ConvertToKey = KeyOutput end function read more


Select Applications to display the fast status on the Windows 10 lock screen

When you start your Windows 10 computer, the lock screen displays notifications for some of your applications. These can be detailed updates or short status updates. You can choose which applications display the fast status, detailed status and notifications on the Windows 10 lock screen.

Select Apps to display the fast and detailed status on the lock screen


Open Settings > Customization > Lock Screen to open the next window.

Click the Select Application icon to view the detailed report and select one of the options.

Then, under Select Applications, click on the e’+’ icons to display the different application options. Click on the desired person one after the other. You can configure up to 7 applications to display the fast status. read more


How to change the theme, lock screen and background images in Windows 10

The best thing about the Windows operating system is that you can fully customize and optimize it. Microsoft still offers a number of customization features in its operating system. In this article, we will learn how to change the theme, screen and wallpaper or wallpaper in Windows 10.

To start customizing Windows 10, go to your desktop, right-click and click Customize. You can use the customization application to change background colors and accents, lock screens, background images, and themes on your PC. read more


NT operating system code unknown 10 Error detected under Windows 10

While most are satisfied with the Windows 10 upgrade, some have problems with their Windows 10. Another, some users face the problem of receiving one Unknown NT Operating System Code 10 Detected, Read Config File Failed error message when starting Windows 10.

Unknown NT operating system code 10 detected

Unfortunately, there is not much information about this error on Microsoft pages. But if you are facing this problem, here are some steps you could take to solve the problem.

1] Make sure you have the latest Windows updates and device drivers installed. read more

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