

How to add multiple Live tiles for multiple email accounts in Windows 10

Windows 10 also has a built-in email application that allows you to add your email ID and check your emails. The Windows 10 Mail App application is pretty good and you don’t really need a third-party email client to check emails. The latest version of the Mail application under Windows 10, comes with a makeover and the current user interface is fantastic.

You can use different email service providers such as, Gmail, Office 365, iCloud, or any other IMAP account. There are many people who use multiple e-mail accounts to separate work and private life. If you are one of them and use more than one email account and you want to set up a live tile for all your accounts, you can now do it easily, unlike Windows 8.1(2) read more


Microsoft Passport under Windows 10

Microsoft Passport has existed for some time. It serves as central access to all Microsoft products such as, OneDrive, Messenger (during his lifetime), people, contacts and more. In Windows 10, Microsoft Passport replaces passwords with strong two-factor authentication consisting of a registered device and a Windows Hello (biometric) or PIN. This article provides an overview of how Microsoft intends to use Microsoft Passport in Windows 10.

What is Microsoft Passport

Overall, Microsoft Passport consists of 2 services – a single login service that allows members to log in with a single name and password and a wallet service that allows them to shop online quickly and easily. read more


The Windows 10 App icon is missing or does not appear in the Windows 8.1 / 7 taskbar

Although most of you have already reserved your Windows 10 upgrade and have removed or hidden the Windows 10 upgrade program icon from your taskbar, some of you may no longer see this icon in your taskbar. If the Get Windows 10 app icon in the Windows 8.1 / 7 taskbar is missing or is not displayed, this message will help you resolve and enable the problem.

If your device is or has been connected to a domain or is managed by a system administrator, it may be blocked for an upgrade reservation. If your Windows copy is not genuine or if you have a volume license copy, the icon does not appear.

Windows 10 Missing application icon

KB3035583 is a Windows update offered by Microsoft that appears in the’Important’ update list. This update is responsible for the Windows icon. Microsoft describes this as an update that provides additional functionality for Windows update notifications when new updates are available for Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 users. You can download it manually by clicking here.

Here are some things that will help you solve your problem:

1] You must run an original version of Windows 8.1 Update or Windows 7 SP1. This offer is not available for users of Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Windows 7 Enterprise or Windows RT 8.1 ; if your device is managed as part of a school or corporate network, you will not receive notification of this icon. To install this update, you must have KB2919355 for Windows 8.1 systems or Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 systems installed on your computer.

2] On Windows systems that cannot run under Windows 10, Microsoft does not display the’Get Windows 10 app’ icon until July 29. After July 29, Microsoft will activate the icon in the taskbar. This is to make sure that you can easily check the compatibility of your PC if you decide to do so.

3] Make sure you have checked, downloaded and installed the latest Windows updates.

4] Check Windows Update for an updated version of KB2976976978 for Windows 8.1 or KB2952664 for Windows 7 SP1

5] You must ensure that your Windows 8.1 has installed the update KB291939355, commonly known as Windows 8.1 Update. If you didn’t do it, please do it.

6] If you still cannot see the icon, open Control PanelAll Control Panel programs and functions and click Show Installed Updates. Make sure your computer has installed the KB3035583 update. If not, you can download it here and install it manually. Restart your computer. You can also check it by executing the following command in a high PDC:

dism 3035583

If the update is installed, you will see its package identity.

7] If you simply uninstall and reinstall the KB3035583 update, the icon may appear in the taskbar. Don’t forget to reboot.

8] If you still do not see the icon, Microsoft Support suggests that you run the following file and check if it helps.

Open the Notepad, copy the following text and save it as a file .cmd to indicate your C drive. For example, you can save it as Win10Upgrade.cmd.

UpgEx if'%errorlevel%' =='0' Add GOTO RunGWX reg'HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsApprapprappraiser' /v UtcOnetimeSend /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f Run /TN'MicrosoftWindows experienceMicrosoft Compatibility Apprappraiser' > : CompatCheckRunning Query /TN'MicrosoftWindowsApplication ExperienceMicrosoft Compatibility Appraiser' Ready >> if NOT'%errorlevel%' =='0' ping localhost >nul &goto :CompatCheckRunning : RunGWX /run /run /TN'MicrosoftWindowsSetupgwxefreshgwgwxconfig' read more


An unexpected error prevents you from deleting the file

Files available on Windows offline are available with Client Side Caching (CSC) cache and database. The cache helps Windows to synchronize files with the external server. If this database is corrupted, it can restart itself. However, if there is significant damage to components, deleting some files can have consequences.

We recently encountered a problem where we received the following error message when deleting files on a Windows 8.1 computer:

An unexpected error prevents you from deleting the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to seek help on this problem. Error 0x800710FE: This file is currently not available on this computer read more


How to display the color in the Start menu and the Windows 10 taskbar

A notable difference in Windows 10 is the return of the Start menu, which was missing in the previous version. The new Start menu displays a classic Windows 7 Start menu with all applications on the left side and a Windows 8 Start screen tiled on the right side. The good part is that you can display color in the Start menu and therefore also in the taskbar to suit your preferences. Here is a brief overview of the following changes.

Display color in the Windows 10 Start menu and Taskbar

To display the color of the Start menu and Taskbar in Windows 10, open the Sart menu and click Settings. read more


Windows 10 FAQ, Release date, Free upgrade, Features, Prices, Editions, etc.

Microsoft is launching Windows 10 this summer 2015 in 190 countries and 111 languages worldwide. Now that the operating system is about to be released, we thought about presenting a guide that contains everything you want to know before installing it.

Windows 10 FAQ

Windows 10 is a lifetime service. By lifetime device service, we mean that Microsoft continues to provide updates and upgrades as long as someone is using a device running Windows 10. In this sense, Microsoft now offers Windows 10 as a service. There will be no patch on Tuesday and the operating system will be constantly updated. This article covers almost everything you want to know about this new operating system, including the release date, the free update process, cleaning the installation via USB, editions, price, and so on. read more


How to rename scheduled tasks in the Windows Task Scheduler

Windows Task Scheduler is probably one of the most useful but less used features of Microsoft Windows because it allows you to automate the execution of tasks you want to perform regularly. This allows the operating system not only to program important system tasks, but also

If you have defined many tasks via the Windows Task Scheduler, you will certainly need to write a short explanation with a simple title to recognize your tasks. The problem starts when you have to change or rename a task for some reason. read more


Allow or prevent desktop icons from being modified in Windows 10

The Windows operating system offers you great freedom in customizing the user interface. Users like to change themes, window colors, icons, mouse pointers, wallpapers, and even optimize the Windows registry or hacking system files to give them, and their built-in application, a cool new look. One of the most popular customization options is to change themes. Changing a theme in Windows 10/8/7 usually involves changing the desktop background, window color, and possibly sounds, pointers, and icons. If you like your icon set and want to prevent the theme from changing icons on your desktop, you can do so by following this simple tutorial. read more


How to enable and use Tablet mode under Windows 10

Tablet mode in Windows 10 makes the operating system more suitable for working with a tablet or touch screen. The Continuum function allows Windows 10 to switch seamlessly from desktop to tablet mode. Windows 10 in tablet mode is optimized for use with tablets and touch devices.

Tablet mode under Windows 10

To activate tablet mode, click the notification icon in the taskbar and select Tablet mode. Windows 10 immediately switches from desktop mode to tablet mode.

Once this happens, you will immediately notice a few things:

  1. Your active application is displayed in full screen mode.
  2. You will see a change in the taskbar. Open applications are no longer based on the taskbar.
  3. You only see a Previous button, a Search icon and the Show Tasks button.
  4. To view open applications, click the Show Tasks button or use the Alt+Tab key combination to scroll through them.
  5. You will notice that the Windows 10 start screen is now enabled.
  6. You can start new applications and desktop software from the Home screen.

To change the tablet mode settings , open the application > System > Tablet mode. read more


What happens when Windows 10 Build reaches its expiration date?

When a version of Windows 10 reaches its expiration date, certain events occur on your computer. It is therefore essential to know the expiration date of your Windows 10 Preview date and what happens after the construction of Windows 10 expires.

What happens when Windows 10 expires

When you see the expiration date of Windows 10 Build, you will notice that construction usually expires after 5 or 6 months.

1] About 2 weeks before your version of Windows 10 expires, you will receive warnings like – This version of Windows will expire soon. Once you see this warning, you should take it seriously and back up all your data and check your Windows Update to see if new versions or updates are available. You can also download the latest ISO file from Microsoft, mount it and run setup.exe to upgrade to a newer version. read more

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