

How do I fix an Xbox app that doesn’t get sound from the microphone in Windows 10

Xbox app that doesn't get sound from the microphone

The dedicated Xbox app for Windows 10 was designed as a universal cross-platform gaming hub. However, the site hasn’t done much better at getting the handy parties and streamers that are currently developed.

One of the many difficulties is voice-over IP class participation, mainly because the user can’t access a microphone that works in someone’s Xbox app. We have many solutions to this problem. See below.

Why isn’t the Xbox app in Windows 10 accepting sound from the microphone

Why isn't the Xbox app in Windows 10 accepting sound from the microphone

Connecting a headset via USB: It turns out that this problem is quite common with dual connectivity, where the microphone can be connected via both the 3-mm jack and USB. If this scenario applies, the problem can be solved by connecting the device via the 3mm jack instead of USB. read more


How to fix the error message “There was an error sending your trade offer Please try again later” on Steam

There was an error sending your trade offer Please try again later

Users recently reported a bug, saying: “An error occurred while submitting your trade-in offer. Please try again later.” and does not allow a player to send a trade-in offer to another player. After thoroughly reviewing the various user feedbacks and the solutions they have chosen to work on this problem, we have presented several effective solutions for you to fix this error on your computer.

Steam is a digital video game distribution service created by Valve. It was launched in September 2003 as standalone client software, allowing Valve to provide automatic updates for its games, and has been extended to third-party games. Steam has also evolved into an online store on the web and mobile. read more


How to troubleshoot the 0x00000bcb network printer error

0x00000bcb network printer error

Error 0x00000bcb is a printer problem that some users have reported on the Microsoft forums. This error occurs when some users try to connect printers to the local network.

When these users try to add a shared network printer, they get a “Connect to Printer” error message with code 0x00000bcb. Does this error message mean anything to you? If so, check error 0x00000bcb with these possible solutions.

Windows error 0x00000bcb can’t connect to a printer is an error name that contains detailed information about the error, including why it occurred, what system components or applications were faulty to cause the error and other information. The numeric code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the faulty component or application. read more


How do I fix the Sony Vegas Preview lag in Windows

Sony Vegas Preview lag

Why is my preview window so slow when I try to edit my project? Before you answer this question, you should know that all video editing software suffers from some degree of lag or frame drop – this is normal.

When a video plays in the preview window, it doesn’t play as a video on your computer or TV. In fact, it is uncompressed in real-time, and every second your processor and video card do millions of calculations.

The more video has been compressed, the harder it is to decompress it in real-time. That’s why the GoPro video can be very slow because it’s super-compressed. On the other hand, you can play very large uncompressed AVI videos that play very smoothly in the preview window. read more


How to fix the UNTRUSTED_CERT_TITLE error in macOS


Some Mac owners experience the unrusted_cert_title error when trying to reinstall macOS. This problem occurs when the Mac system clock is not set correctly, and you may encounter a chicken-and-egg problem: without a macro program installed, there is no easy way to set the clock that will allow the macro program to be installed.

To establish a secure connection, many encryption algorithms require an up-to-date clock. The encryption system wants to check if the digital certificate confirming the integrity of the software has not yet expired. If the data embedded in the certificate is earlier than the release date or later than the expiration date, the software is properly locked – and MacOS, unfortunately, spits out an error, since this feature has not yet been accounted for in Mojave. read more


How do I fix the “Windows cannot find Bin64 InstallManagerAPP.exe” message

Windows cannot find Bin64 InstallManagerAPP.exe

The file Bin64InstallManagerAPP.exe is a software component of the AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) Catalyst Control Center. It is closely related to installing and updating the AMD graphics driver. Recently, some users have been unable to update or install the AMD graphics driver because of this component. The full error message is as follows:

Windows cannot find “Bin64InstallManagerAPP.exe”. Make sure you entered the name correctly, and then try again.

There can be many reasons for this problem. The problem can occur due to corrupted system files, missing Windows updates, and other factors. Fortunately, the problem can be solved in the following ways. Let’s go through them one by one. read more


How to recover a corrupted Bootres.dll in Windows 10

a corrupted Bootres.dll in Windows 10

Corrupted Bootres.dll error is a critical system problem that prevents Windows from starting. The Bootres.dll file responsible for starting Windows can be corrupted and cause this error.

A corrupted Bootres.dll problem usually appears in a small dialog box with the following error message:

Critical Bootres file resourcescustomootres.dll is corrupted.

Learn more about Bootres.dll. It is a dynamic link library (DLL) file associated with the Windows operating system. It plays an important role in the Windows startup process. Any error associated with it can prevent your computer from booting. read more


Bug fix: Screen Time Limits not Working on MS Family Account

Microsoft has installed a family security feature to limit underage users’ use in various ways, including limiting the amount of time they spend on the system. If you find that Screen Time Limits is not working on your Windows 10 PC or Xbox One, this post may be of interest to you. In this article, we will describe what actions you can take to solve the problem.

To find out the total time your child spent on each of their devices, Screen Time Limits shows when and how much time your child used their devices during the week. You will see a list of the total time your child spent on their devices each day, as well as the time they spent on each device during the week. read more


Resolved: Windows Update KB4579311 crashes Explorer repeatedly when trying to log in

Windows 10 users are experiencing numerous problems installing the latest KB4579311 cumulative update, and those who manage to install it are reporting various bugs, including performance issues.

Microsoft released the Windows 10 cumulative update KB4579311 on Oct. 13, 2020, and since then users have been reporting problems installing the update, crashes, performance issues, and startup problems.

Because of the different hardware and drivers that Windows 10 runs on, there will always be issues when a new cumulative update is released, but the reports seem to increase with this particular update. read more


Fixed: Paired AirPods won’t Connect

Does Apple AirPods work with Windows 10 computers? The answer is yes, Apple AirPods are not restricted to use with Apple hardware, they can be used on Windows 10 PCs with Bluetooth. In this article, you’ll learn how to pair and connect AirPods to Windows 10 and how to troubleshoot when AirPods don’t connect to your PC, when AirPods are paired but not connected, or when AirPods keep disconnecting and reconnecting from your Windows 10 laptop.

If you are trying to connect your device to Windows 10 via Bluetooth and your devices are paired but not connected, you are not alone. Many Windows users are reporting this problem. But the good news is that you can fix it with this guide. Read on to find out how. read more

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