

How to Troubleshoot: MacOS error – Could not sign in to iMessage

Several users have reported that they cannot log into iMessage using their Apple ID. Users receive the following message:

Could not sign in to iMessage. An error occurred during activation. Please try again.”

This is an important issue. This problem seems to only affect Mac users. If you encounter this problem, iMessage will not work until you resolve the issue.

Try the following troubleshooting steps. After each step, try logging back into iMessage to see if the problem is resolved. read more


Resolved: Search Results in the Mail App Disappear when Clicked

Resolved: Search Results in the Mail App Disappear when Clicked

Microsoft has significantly improved the built-in Mail app in Windows 10. But even with the improved version, some users report that they can’t receive emails or search results in the mail app disappear when clicked.

Not being able to see search results in the mail app when clicked can be a big problem. Therefore, we have prepared a few solutions that we hope will be enough to solve the problem of search results in the mail app disappearing when clicked.

Before proceeding to solve the problem, first, check if restarting your system and router will solve it. Sometimes the problem can be solved by restarting the system. So, let’s start with our guide. read more


Fixed: Wi-Fi network restarts when the Google Pixel 2 is connected

Wi-Fi network restarts when the Google Pixel 2 is connected

When you have a high-end smartphone like the #Google #Pixel, being able to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi is important. But there always comes a time when the phone fails to perform the most basic function it normally does when trying to connect to the web. In fact, we’ve received many complaints from our readers about the sudden inability to connect their device to their home Wi-Fi network.

In this post, we take a look at this issue that has been reported to us. Read on to learn more about these issues and how to troubleshoot your device if you encounter any of these issues in the future. Below is a list of issues that I have reviewed here. read more


Bug fix: Screen Time Limits not Working on MS Family Account

Microsoft has installed a family security feature to limit underage users’ use in various ways, including limiting the amount of time they spend on the system. If you find that Screen Time Limits is not working on your Windows 10 PC or Xbox One, this post may be of interest to you. In this article, we will describe what actions you can take to solve the problem.

To find out the total time your child spent on each of their devices, Screen Time Limits shows when and how much time your child used their devices during the week. You will see a list of the total time your child spent on their devices each day, as well as the time they spent on each device during the week. read more


Fixed: Paired AirPods won’t Connect

Does Apple AirPods work with Windows 10 computers? The answer is yes, Apple AirPods are not restricted to use with Apple hardware, they can be used on Windows 10 PCs with Bluetooth. In this article, you’ll learn how to pair and connect AirPods to Windows 10 and how to troubleshoot when AirPods don’t connect to your PC, when AirPods are paired but not connected, or when AirPods keep disconnecting and reconnecting from your Windows 10 laptop.

If you are trying to connect your device to Windows 10 via Bluetooth and your devices are paired but not connected, you are not alone. Many Windows users are reporting this problem. But the good news is that you can fix it with this guide. Read on to find out how. read more


Solution: Bluetooth is connected but cannot hear calls on your phone app

It is possible that the phone application cannot transmit calls to your Bluetooth headset unless it is set as the default audio device. Alternatively, this error may be caused by a damaged audio speaker. The problem occurs when a user tries to use a Bluetooth headset with the Your Phone app, but cannot answer a call or hear other people.

Before proceeding with solutions, note that Bluetooth headsets are not yet fully supported by the Your Phone app. Also, check to see if rebooting the devices solves the problem. Also, check that your phone/PC is not paired with another device and that no third-party apps have been used to connect devices via Bluetooth. Also, check that none of the devices are in power save mode. Also, make sure that the “Your Phone” app has access to notifications on the phone and is running in the background on the PC/phone. read more


Fixed : `An error occurred while trying to copy a file` Error when installing Filmora on Windows 10

An error occurred while trying to copy a file

Filmora is a suite of video creation and editing applications developed by Wondershare. Filmora includes products for a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced. Common features of Filmora include a timeline, a preview window, and an effects library that you can view and manage using a drag-and-drop interface.

The Filmora software library is compatible with both Windows and macOS computers. Free trials are available to test the product before purchase. Pricing options for the various programs are available on Filmora’s official website, linked below. read more

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