command prompt


Troubleshoot: Blue Screen Recovery Error 0x0000185 on Windows 10

Getting an error on your computer can be frustrating. But it’s even more annoying when you encounter a blue screen error. One of the BSOD errors that you may encounter is the blue screen recovery error 0x0000185.

This is a shutdown error, which means that you won’t be able to start your computer normally until you fix this error. While this error is common in Windows 10, it is also a very common problem in Windows 7, 8, and 8.1.

The occurrence of error 0xc0000185 indicates that your operating system cannot access the necessary Windows OS files on your hard drive to boot. This simply means that your computer cannot communicate with your hard drive or that there is a problem with your system files. read more


How to fix: OneDrive login error code 0x8004de40 in Windows 10

How to fix: OneDrive login error code 0x8004de40 in Windows 10

When trying to log into the OneDrive desktop client, you may encounter a OneDrive error code 0x8004de40. The full error message sounds like this: There was a problem connecting to OneDrive and prompts you to try again.

This error can occur for a variety of reasons, including improper Internet settings and a corrupt OneDrive installation.

If you also encounter this error, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you fix the OneDrive error code 0x8004de40 in Windows, so read on.

If you encounter this error code, there is no need to panic. We will tell you the different ways to solve this problem. read more


How to Resolve Windows Update error 9C59

How to Resolve Windows Update error 9C59

Some Windows users have recently encountered the error code 9C59 when trying to install a certain update or when trying to update Internet Explorer.

If you are a Windows user, you already know very well how important Windows updates are. They fix system errors, fix bugs, speed up many system processes, and are generally a great way to optimize your PC. In most cases, Windows updates install automatically without any errors.

If you too have encountered this error code lately, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s article, you will learn how to fix Internet Explorer update error 9c59. read more


Fixing the `SiHost.Exe – hard drive error` in Windows 10

Fixing the `SiHost.Exe - hard drive error` in Windows 10

Recently, some users reported the error message “sihost.exe – System Warning Unknown Hard Error” (also known as sihost.exe unknown hard error) when accessing Windows 10, especially after getting Windows 10 April 2018 Update 1803. This error has also occurred when launching a program or game or even after going through a Windows rollback cycle.

Other error messages sometimes appear, such as Ctfmon.exe unknown hard error and Explorer.exe unknown hard error. These error messages may indicate damaged or corrupted system files in your operating system or conflicts between third-party software and your upgraded Windows system. To solve this problem, you can try the solutions listed below. read more


Fix: Explorer.exe does not start on Windows 10 startup

Fix: Explorer.exe does not start on Windows 10 startup

A corrupted Windows registry can cause all sorts of problems. Some of you may have encountered a problem where after logging in, only a blank screen appears on your computer. No desktop, no taskbar!  This may be because explorer.exe, which should have started automatically, did not start at all.

While some registry errors can cause this problem, it is also possible that the problem is caused by a virus infection that is preventing Windows File Explorer from running.

Why explorer.exe doesn’t start when you start Windows 10?

Why explorer.exe doesn't start when you start Windows 10?

If explorer.exe doesn’t load when you start your computer, it could be a sign of file corruption, a system error, or the presence of a virus. The problem is usually limited to this file and can often be solved by removing viruses from your computer and using system scanning and recovery utilities. You can also try to solve the problem by turning to a registry editor. These tools are available to anyone with administrator privileges. Therefore, you may need to contact your system administrator before making changes. read more


Bug fix: The Mapped Drive is Disconnected After Rebooting

Bug fix: The Mapped Drive is Disconnected After Rebooting

A mapped network drive is one of the most useful things a computer user can do. Think of it as a storage device that is not technically integrated and not part of your installation, but allows you to store and access your data as if it were hosted locally. It works like a storage drive that you have full access to but is physically stored on another computer.

The ability to map devices is present in most modern computer setups – whether it’s computers or phones. These mapped drives are widely used by people to store files that take up a lot of space on a network with a lot of disk space, while still being able to use them locally. read more


Bug fix: Failed to Install KB4592438 – December 2020 Cumulative Update

Bug fix: Failed to Install KB4592438 - December 2020 Cumulative Update

Installing Windows 10 update (i.e. KB4592438) may fail if the services required to run it are in an error state. In addition, corrupt temporary files or lack of space for the update can also cause the mentioned error.

Users encounter the problem when they try to update their system with the KB4592438 update, but the update fails to install (some users have encountered the error when the update installation was 100%).

Make sure all pending updates (including optional updates) are installed and then try to update the system again before proceeding with the solutions to fix the Windows update failure. read more


Bugfix: Windows could not find regedit.exe

Windows could not find regedit.exe

Have you encountered an error that Windows can not find regedit.exe and you don’t know what to do? This short article explains some methods to solve your problem. Regedit is the file that runs the registry editor. The registry system contains information about installing, updating, and removing software or hardware from your PC.

Over time, the registry gets cluttered with information about incomplete installations or deletions, which can cause your PC to experience system slowdowns and the “Windows can’t find regedit.exe” problem. It is important not to ignore the problem and fix it as soon as possible. read more


How to fix the “This setting is enforced” error in Google Chrome

"This setting is enforced" error in Google Chrome

When you go to the chrome://extensions/ screen in the Google Chrome web browser, some extensions may be disabled because the “Enabled” setting is grayed out and cannot be disabled. This is usually due to a message on the extension that says, “This extension is managed and cannot be removed or disabled.”

These extensions are usually installed with other applications or maybe part of adware. If you cannot remove these extensions by unchecking the “Disabled” box, you can do it another way. read more


Resolve the DiskPart “No fixed disks to show” error

DiskPart "No fixed disks to show" error

If you get an error message that when you use DiskPart in Windows 10/8/7, your hard drive cannot be mapped, this article will help you solve the problem. This usually happens when the computer cannot detect a connected hard drive. If the primary drive is damaged, the computer may not boot at all. The same can happen with a USB drive or an external storage device. This article will show you how to fix this error.

If you are also experiencing this error, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you fix the DiskPart error `No disks are showing` in Windows. read more

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