
The D3D9 device could not be created. This may happen if the desktop is locked

D3D9 device creation error can be caused by an incompatible, corrupted, or outdated graphics driver on your computer. In this case, you need to update the graphics driver to fix the error.

More advanced games are quite sensitive to screen resolution, by the way, if you play them through an external game launcher like Steam. I saw conflicts with the screen resolution, which completely obscured the screen or at least stopped the game. Similarly, a known problem with screen conflict resolution is when players get the error:

The D3D9 device could not be created. This can happen when the desktop is locked


One possible reason for the error could be that the resolution of the game differs from the current screen configuration, although there may be other reasons for the problem. read more


Impossible to change the screen resolution under Windows 10

Often, usually after upgrading to Windows or installing a new graphics card, you cannot adjust the resolution of your PC screen under Windows 10. Sometimes it is not possible to find an option to change the screen resolution because the drop-down menu freezes or always returns to the old resolution. Worse still, the monitor does not display native resolution. In this post, I talk about how to solve the problem if you can’t change the screen resolution in Windows 10.

Just before we begin, let’s try some basic advice. Open Settings to change the screen resolution. Go to Settings > System > Display. You should see a drop box under the Resolution label. See if you can change it to a better resolution than this. Sometimes, due to a problem, the display drivers automatically change the screen resolution. If this does not solve your problem, we will try other methods. read more


The mouse pointer or cursor disappears on Windows 10 or a surface device

Open Control Panel > Mouse > Pointer Options. Disable hiding the pointer while typing and see if that solves the problem. Press any of these key combinations and see if a pointer appears – return Fn+F3, Fn+F5, Fn+F9, Fn+F11.

If you’re using a laptop, try pressing a key combination on your laptop keyboard that turns the mouse on and off. This is usually the Fn key plus F3, F5, F9, or F11 (this depends on the make of your laptop and you may need to check your laptop to find out manually).

Open Control Panel > Mouse > Pointer Options. Uncheck Hide pointer input while and see if that solves the problem. Run a virus scan on your software to rule out that this is caused by malware. Run the built-in hardware troubleshooter. read more


How to disable notifications in game mode under Windows 10

Press the Windows R+ key to open the Run dialog box. Then type “ms-settings:gaming-gamemode” and press Enter to open the Game Mode tab in the Settings app. On the “Game Mode” tab, simply uncheck “Receive Game Mode Notifications”.

Disable game notifications from Windows 10 Game This Bar
opens Game bar settings in Windows 10. In the Settings window, click Notifications on the left to view all Game bar alert options.

When a notification appears, swipe up on it and tap the Settings icon.
You go directly to the notification settings.
Disable Game Mode here to enable Game Mode.

(You can quickly open the Preferences window by pressing Windows+i.) In the Automatic Rules section, click the name of the automatic rule. For example, to turn off the Focus Assist notifications that appear when you’re playing Game A, tap When I’m Playing Game A. read more


Low Wi-Fi signal strength under Windows 10

If your PC’s WiFi network driver is outdated or corrupted, it can cause all problems. You can try updating the WiFi driver as the first way to fix a good WiFi signal on a Windows 10 laptop or PC.

Open Device Manager.
Expand the network adapter of the group devices.
Right click your card, network and select “Update Driver” from the context menu.
Allow Windows 10 to check for updates and install updates it finds.
Restart your computer.

1 Move – move closer to the wireless router.
2 – Update the wireless network driver.
3 – Reinstall the wireless network driver.
4 – Replace the wireless network adapter.
5 – Limit the number of wireless devices connected to the network.
6 – Update the router software.
7 – Replace the router. read more


Using the Install function on my Microsoft Store devices

Sign in to your Microsoft account on PC or Xbox. Download an app or game from the Microsoft Store. Go to your .Microsoft account. Select com/devices, can’t see your device?, then follow the prompts.

Microsoft recently introduced a new feature called “Install to My Devices” that unlocks the remote installation of apps from the Store. This feature is not associated with the Microsoft Store app, but is available when you visit the store on the Microsoft Edge page.

Sign out of your current account and restart your computer. Then sign in to your Microsoft Store account with a different account. Try installing the game again and see if it works. Then log out of your account, restart your computer, and log in again with the first account. read more


The Windows computer generates a beep when it is turned on

Some users report that, for some reason, their computer cannot be turned on and beep several times or continuously when they try to turn on the computer. It can be boring, but if we’re right, it won’t be an easy software solution.

Probably your problem has nothing to do with Windows 10, but with your system hardware. As you can see, a computer is designed to provide audible error sounds when certain hardware does not function properly.

When you hear a single beep , your GPU may cause problems. When you hear two beeps, it means that your RAM is not working properly. Three beeps that repeat when the computer is turned on after a pause indicate a system memory problem. However, if your PC beeps constantly, it simply means that the processor is affected. You can consult the list of Beep Codes for more information. read more


How to prevent Windows 10 from installing unwanted storage applications

Turn off automatic app updates in Windows 10. Block unwanted apps from Windows 10 Update. Spam Clean up files including unwanted apps from Windows 10.

Windows 10 now comes with some preinstalled store applications. This article describes how to prevent or stop installing, reinstalling or upgrading unwanted Microsoft Store applications and advertising for those applications.

Microsoft released Windows 10 as a service. With this concept, Microsoft is in a place where it can make free advertising offers, services, applications and other components available. It was the concept that first made Windows 10 free for consumers and, at the same time, allowed Microsoft to make some money from it. read more


How to disable active monitoring in CCleaner Free

In the current CCleaner 5.45 version of Piriform/Avast, it is difficult to disable active monitoring. This caused angry public reactions about the malfunction of the’Active Monitoring’ function. Even if you try to disable it via CCleaner Settings > Monitoring, it will start monitoring again on restart.

Active Monitoring allows CCleaner Free to monitor your installation for updates or new versions in the background, so you don’t have to worry about staying up to date. If you prefer CCleaner not to monitor your system, you can disable active monitoring by following the steps above. read more


iCloud photos that are not downloaded or displayed under Windows 10

Solution 1 – Check iCloud in Settings on Windows 10 PC Step 1 Open iCloud for Windows on your PC. Step 2: Click “Options” to access the following photos. Step 3: Make sure “iCloud Photo Library” and “Download new photos and videos to PC” are selected.

Reset device settings
Make sure all your connections are working and try restarting or restarting your device. Uploading iCloud photos requires a stable network connection, so make sure you have a good WiFi signal. To update, sign out of iCloud and sign back in, then try downloading again.

In the navigation area, click iCloud Photos. If you don’t see iCloud Photos, click Pictures in the navigation bar, then double-click iCloud Photos. In iCloud for Windows 10, click the notification area on the taskbar, then click Upload Photos in the iCloud Photos notification. read more

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