

How to Repair SS3svc32.exe Popping Up on Startup Error

SS3svc.exe is a common adware that is usually installed on computers without users’ knowledge. It causes various nuisances, including annoying ads and promotional offers that appear every time you launch your browser and tries to make changes to your PC without your consent.

Sometimes adware changes the settings of web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, and others and replaces the current home page with another site containing a myriad of banners, special offers, and annoying ads. read more


How to Troubleshoot: MEM_BAD_POINTER or MEM_BAD_POINTER (SmartHeap Library) Popup

Some Home Windows users have reported that the SmartHeap library error pops up every time they start their personal computers. In each case, the error message in this pop-up is MEM_BAD_POINTER / MEM_BAD_POINTER (SmartHeap Library). Whether the user clicks OK or Cancel, the result is the same: the computer works fine, but the error message appears the next time the system is started.

What causes MEM_BAD_POINTER / MEM_BAD_POINTER (SmartHeap library) to pop up

Damaged registry values: a registry key left hanging can also be the cause of a popup that calls the SmartHeap library. In most cases, this is because the infrastructure called by the startup registry key no longer exists. In this case, deleting the remaining registry key manually or with a utility such as a third-party registry cleaner should permanently resolve the problem. read more


How to Repair: Windows Backup Error Code 0x8100002F

Many Windows users encounter error 0x8100002F when they try to back up their files using Windows Backup. This error 0x8100002F occurs mostly in Windows 10 and Windows 7. We have listed some possible causes of error 0x8100002F in the Windows operating system.

What are the causes of Windows Backup error code 0x8100002F

Windows Backup fails to back up files in Contacts, LocalLow and Searches folders: Another possible culprit for this error code is Windows Backup forcing you to backup files that don’t actually exist on your computer. The best solution is to ignore the message or exclude files from folders and back them up using the Backup Settings menu. read more


How to Repair: DISM Error 1392 in Windows 10

You are on this page because you are looking for solutions to DISM error 1392. The Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool is responsible for maintaining and preparing Windows image files, including those used for repairs.

In Windows 10, the tool is used to restore the repair files that the System File Checker tool uses to replace problematic system files. It can also recover image files when the operating system crashes. The utility is also used for advanced purposes, such as mounting a virtual hard drive or a Windows image. read more


How to Repair: Xbox Email and Password Error Code 8015d002

Gamers are reporting error 8015D002 when trying to log into Xbox Live. Additionally, this issue is similar to the one mentioned above, namely the inability to log into Xbox Live.

Gamers get an error message with a code when trying to log into Xbox Live:

Email and password didn’t work.
Code: 8015D002.

What is the cause of the Xbox email and password error 8015d002?

Xbox profile partially faulty: Many users have noticed that this particular error code may appear due to a profile error that affects the login process. If this scenario applies, you can solve the problem by moving the failed profile to a different type of storage before rebooting it. read more


Repair MS Office Error: Access denied to installation source

Today, while installing Microsoft Office 2016, I ran into a very strange problem. The machine I was trying to install this latest package on was Windows 10 Pro, and it was an inactive system (not part of the domain). The problem was an error message that caused the installer to fail:

Access denied to installation source

Unfortunately, there was a problem accessing the required file. Please check that the installation source has the correct permissions, then try again.

Office 2016 with Click-to-Run (CTR) technology comes with an online installer. If the installer fails, you will have to start the installation from the beginning. There is also no guarantee that the error will stop if you restart the installation. Therefore, you should fix the problem first and then try the installation again. read more


How to Troubleshoot: Exception Processing Message 0xc0000135

An exception handling message is an error that can occur during system startup or when trying to start a particular application. This error can be accompanied by various error codes such as 0xc000007b, 0xc0000135, 0xc0000005, etc.

In addition, the following error parameters indicate the absence of a dynamic link library or Visual C++ Redistributable. However, in some cases, it simply displays an error code with the message “Unexpected Parameters”.

The “Exception Processing Message” error can be caused by third-party antivirus interference, corrupted system files, and other factors. If you have encountered this problem, you can try to solve it on your own with the following methods. read more


How to Troubleshoot Error 0x87de2713 While Opening Apps or Games on Xbox One

You see the following error code when trying to open a game or app on your Xbox One console:


This means that we were unable to find the license of the game or app in the Microsoft Store to verify that you own the game or app. Use the following solutions to solve this problem.

What Causes Error 0x87de2713 on Xbox One

Firmware error: Another possible cause of this problem is a software error. Several affected users reported that the problem occurred in their case after a failed firmware update. If this scenario applies, you can solve the problem by performing a power cycle. read more

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