

How to Resolve the Error 0xc0000006 (STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR)

Some users have discussed error 0xc0000006 on the software support forums. This error occurs when users try to run some of their programs.

The error message may include the following Application failed to start correctly 0xc0000006. This is a STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR error, which often happens when users try to run software from networked volumes. If you need to fix this error, check out the possible solutions.

What causes error 0xc0000006 (STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR)?

0xc0000006 Error

This error often occurs when trying to run an executable from a network volume. It is most likely due to an intermittent problem caused by the overprotection of the firewall or AV package. However, this false positive could also be caused by an incorrect AppInst_DLLs registry value or system corruption. read more


Solution: Windows update error code 80244010

It is not uncommon for the Windows operating system to give an error when updating. Many PC users encounter error code 80244010 when upgrading Windows. Here we will discuss how to fix this error.

Microsoft Windows is the most common operating system in the world. However, the operating system is not free from problems and errors. Below are the causes and different solutions for the Windows Update error code 80244010 that you have encountered.

What is the cause of Windows Update error code 80244010?

Common error: Common error is quite common on Windows endpoints. Microsoft already has a set of built-in repair strategies ready to use. We can try to fix the error by running the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter and applying their recommended fix. read more


How to Resolve the VPN Error 789 in Windows 7/10

Most users use VPNs that help them browse the internet privately and anonymously from anywhere. In general, VPNs are the most useful solution, but at the same time, they also have some limitations.

Moreover, we see that Internet users encounter various VPN errors more often than not, regardless of the operating system they use. In this regard, we can say that users may encounter several VPN error codes.

For example, if we use a VPN and don’t want to be interrupted by a “connection failed” error message, it will appear from time to time and will be reported as “VPN error 789: L2TP connection attempt failed“. VPN Error 789 is one of the most common errors that occur when a user tries to connect to L2TP. read more


How to Troubleshoot NET CERT SYMANTEC LEGACY Error on Chrome

Do I see the error code “NET CERT SYMANTEC LEGACY” in the Google Chrome window? This error is an SSL certificate error and occurs when you try to browse certain websites. Don’t worry about it. Usually, there are two reasons for this problem: wrong date and time on your system or corrupt DNS configuration in your network profile.

What causes the NET CERT SYMANTEC LEGACY error?

The “NET::ERR_CERT_SYMANTEC_LEGACY” error is usually accompanied by the message “This connection is not private“. This error usually occurs because Google Chrome no longer recognizes the Symantec SSL / TLS certificate issued before June 1, 2016. read more


How to Repair: Microsoft Teams Installation Issues on Windows 10

Microsoft Teams was launched in 2017 as unified communication and collaboration platform that helps businesses and organizations achieve their goals. Microsoft leveraged the company’s existing Office software expertise and created a unified experience with Teams, Office 365, and Skype for Business.

However, as with any software, things don’t always go as planned. If you’re having problems with Microsoft Teams, here’s how to fix Microsoft Teams installation issues.

What causes problems with Microsoft Teams installation?

read more


How to Repair the “Error 10-100” on Sling TV

Sling TV is an on-demand Internet television and streaming service. The channel library offers a selection of series, shows, and movies. Most impressive, however, is that Sling TV can be watched from virtually any device. This includes smart TVs, Android TVs, and phones, iOS devices, digital media players, etc.

But like any other streaming app or service, Sling TV has its share of problems. The most common problem is the Sling TV `(10-100)` error. The error reads as follows:

“Please forcibly close the application and wait 1 minute. If the problem persists, visit `` to discuss it with us. (10-100)”

What is causing the `error 10-100` on Sling TV?

We think it’s important that you know why this problem is occurring before we implement fixes to fix it. read more


How to Resolve Error 0x8004242d – Failed to Format Selected Partition

Error 0x8004242d is usually accompanied by the following error message: “Failed to format selected partition. Error: 0x8004242d” in a pop-up window during Windows installation. As a result, users are unable to format the disk partition and install the platform.

In this article, we will tell you how to solve partition formatting problems with DiskPart.

What causes the error message “Selected partition could not be formatted” (error 0x8004242d)?

  • The computer’s data cable is loose.
  • The installation drive has a corrupted file system error.
  • The drive controller or driver is out of date.
  • Your Windows system is incompatible with the mass storage controller or mass storage driver.
  • The hard disk drive on which you want to install Windows is a dynamic hard disk drive.

How to troubleshoot the error 0x8004242d – Failed to format selected partition?

Clean up the disk using Diskpart

Cleaning the disk with Diskpart can fix error 0x8004242d (but it removes data from the disk).

  1. To do this, open a command prompt by typing cmd in “Run” and press Ctrl + Alt + Enter.
  2. You can also open Command Prompt from the Windows installation window by clicking on Repair Computer -> Troubleshooting -> Command Prompt.
  3. Type diskpart at the command prompt and press Enter.
  4. Type list disk at the command prompt and press Return to display the list of disks.
  5. Type select disk x (replace x with the real disk number) at the command prompt and hit Enter.
  6. Make sure you select the correct disk, as clearing the disk will erase its data.
  7. Type clean all at the command prompt and press Enter.

Formatting a partition during Windows Setup

  1. Start the installation media. Specify your settings and click Install Now.
  2. Click I accept the license terms after reading the Microsoft software license terms.
  3. Then click Next.
  4. Click Custom (Advanced).
  5. Select Disk 0 Partition 1 and Delete.
  6. Then click OK when prompted.
  7. Repeat step 5 to delete partition 2 from disk 0.
  8. Then click New to create a new partition.
  9. Specify the disk size, and then click Apply.
  10. Click OK when prompted.
  11. Select Disk 0 Partition 2, and then click Format.
  12. Click OK when prompted.
  13. The formatting should be successful.
  14. You can click Next to reinstall Windows.

Both of the above methods may seem a bit complicated. Be very careful when using them, as all the actions are instantaneous and you will not be able to go back. read more


How to Repair: NETWORK_FAILED – Google Chrome Web Store Error

Network_Failed error in Chrome Web Store usually occurs when users try to download or install an app or extension from Chrome Web Store. Some affected users report that every download from the Web Store ends in an error, while others have the problem only with certain extensions.

In some cases, the problem may also occur with a heavily updated version of Chrome. In the first few months after the launch of Windows 10, the problem persisted for several months. However, a virus infection (most likely adware or a browser hijacker) could also be the cause of this problem. In this case, running a special cleaning tool or scanner, such as Malwarebytes, can solve the problem. read more


How to Troubleshoot the Windows Update Error 8000FFF

Error code 8000FFF appears when you try to access updates from Microsoft Update or Windows Update websites. You may see this error when you start an installation from the Control Panel.

If you want to fix this error, this article will help you do so. Let’s see how you can fix error code 8000FFF in Windows operating system.

What causes Windows Update error 8000FFF?

In most cases, this particular problem is caused by a bug that Microsoft has already fixed in Windows 7. To take advantage of this, simply run the Windows Update troubleshooter and apply the recommended fix. read more

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