

Windows update April 10, 2018 does not install on Alienware laptops

If you are using an Alienware laptop, you may not be lucky with Windows 10 v1803 for your computer. According to Alienware users reports in the Reddit forum, Windows April 10, 2018 Update is not installed on Alienware laptops and fails every attempt.

(Hybrid notebooks with discrete GPU connected to display error

Update fails with an interesting and unique error message indicating :

You must delete these applications yourself and then choose Update. These programs must be uninstalled because they are not compatible with the upgrade – hybrid notebooks with a discrete graphics processor connected to the screen. read more


Delete integrated Windows 10 applications for all users who use PowerShell Script

Pre-installed applications have been included since the deployment of Windows 10. Some of these applications are indispensable for consumers, while others are installed from an advertising point of view. There are several reasons why Microsoft adds applications, even if you upgrade from one version to another – but it can be removed. This guide explains how to remove embedded Windows 10 applications from TechNet Gallery using a predefined PowerShell PowerShell script. read more


How to enable the ultimate performance power plan under Windows 10

Ultimate Performance Mode is a power plan deployed with Windows 10 v1803, designed for workstations and designed to optimize operating system performance. Although it is intended to improve performance, IMO, it will help a lot for players as well as for anyone with any intensity task. In this manual, we will learn how to enable the Ultimate Performance Power Plan in Windows 10.

Ultimate Performance Power Plan is only available for high-end PCs that run directly under power, and there is no direct way to enable it for all PCs. However, I won’t recommend this mode for laptops because it uses a lot of battery power, but if you are sure you want to, you can use it for your best gaming experience. read more


Fixing strange audio problems from your computer’s speaker

We tend to use our Windows computers to listen to a lot of music or anything with sound. It’s a great way to pass the time when we don’t have much to do, but what happens when the speaker emits a strange high-pitched sound.

Well, this should never be considered normal, so if your computer displays this problem, then there is a technical malfunction that could be either software or hardware.

Strange audio problems from the speaker

Audio problems on Windows are not new, but what happens if your speaker produces a strange high-pitched sound that bothers you more than anything else? Just try these patches to correct audio errors. read more


How to check the history of Windows updates with PowerShell

Windows systems are regularly updated with the latest patches to improve system performance. Microsoft releases the service and patches as part of the free update service to enhance the Windows computing experience. These updates are automatically installed based on system settings and rarely require the participation of end users. Free updates are part of Windows maintenance and support, which frees software for efficient troubleshooting. To ensure secure data processing, Windows Update ensures that the system is up to date with the latest security patches, fixes and bug fixes.

Users can check the update history from PowerShell, the command line or Windows settings. This article explains how to list the complete history of Windows update events using one of the task automation and configuration management tools such as PowerShell. You can also find all current patch updates or quick fix engineering that are downloaded as part of the software patches.

Check Windows update history with PowerShell

Go to Start menu and search for Windows PowerShell. Right-click and click Run as Administrator.

Write the following command in the command line that lists the installed patches with their ID, installed on the information, description, etc..

wmic qfe list

You can also enter the following command to list patches and associated description.

get-wmiobject class win32_quickfixengineering

In addition, you can write a request to the computer for the update history and return a pointer to a list of corresponding records on the Windows system. Queries are written to list the WUA history in a PowerShell by defining some functions to convert the WUA history events of the result code into a name and get the last and last WUA 50 history. You can edit objects to list any number of past events.

# Convert Wua ResultCode history to a name # 0, and 5 are not used for history # See ).aspx Function Convert WuResultCodeToName { param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]]] int] $ResultCode $ResultCode = $ResultCode switch($ResultCode) { 2 { Result ='Successful'. 3 {Result ='Success with errors'. 4 {Result ='Failed' } } } } }. return $result } return $result } Get-WuaHistory { # Get WUA Session = (New Object - ComObject'Microsoft.Update.Session') Get the history of the last 1000 records of the first session $history = $session. QueryHistory('''''',0,50) | ForEach Object { $Result = Convert-WuaResultCodeToName -ResultCode $_.ResultCode Make hidden properties visible in Com properties $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $Result -Name Result $Product = $_. Categories | Wo-Object {$_.type -eq'Product'} Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty-Name $_ | Add Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $_.UpdateIdentity. UpdateId -Name UpdateId $_ | Add-Member - MemberType NoteProperty -Value $_.UpdateIdentity.revisionNumber -Name RevisionNumber $_ | Add Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $Product -Name Product -PassThru Write-Output $_ } }. #Remove null records and only return the fields we want $history | Where-Object { ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.title)}. Select the Result object, Date, Title, SupportUrl, Product, UpdateId, RevisionNumber } read more


What is the EFSTMPWP folder and can you delete it?

Can I delete the EFSTMPWP folder on my Windows computer? If you have this question, you are in the right place. We explain what the EFSTMPWP folder is and tell you if it is safe to delete it.


Cipher.exe is a command line tool integrated in the Windows operating system that can be used to encrypt or decrypt data on NTFS drives. This tool also allows the secure deletion of data by overwriting.

When you use this built-in tool, it creates a temporary folder called EFSTMPWP on the system partition. It then writes more temporary files into that folder, and random data consisting of 0, 1 and other random numbers into those files. read more


Skype for Windows 10 doesn’t work or makes voice and video calls

OK, your Skype for Windows 10 is no longer working and you are losing your mind. What could be the problem behind this last problem, even though the application worked a few days ago? Many people have encountered these problems since the introduction of Skype for Windows 10, even today. In my opinion, it is still not comparable to the regular version of Skype, but the gap is closing.

Skype for Windows 10 doesn’t work

Well, if you have problems making calls, chances are you have the following symptoms.

Everything is connected, status is available, microphone and camera work, but voice and video calls cannot be made. Even if you appear online, you won’t get them when they call. read more


How to rename the Start menu items in Windows 10

If you are using Windows 10 and want to rename the applications in the Start menu, you must do the following. Programs are automatically added to the Start menu with the default name after installation. There are sometimes problems when searching for an application whose name is similar to that of another system application. For example, if you install the Google Chrome browser, it will appear as Google Chrome. If you want to rename it to Chrome or something else, you must do the following. read more

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