

Groove Music App Error 0xc00d1388 under Windows 10

Our experience with computers or browsers is not always easy. Sometimes we encounter problems that are not only difficult to solve, but completely unknown because they are in the form of codes. Such a problem usually occurs when you try to connect to Groove Music App under Windows 10 – Error 0xc00d1388. If you receive errors 0xc00d1388 when trying to connect to Groove Music App on Windows 10 or Windows 10 Mobile, you may need to migrate your Xbox Live account.

The main cause of this problem can be attributed to the Microsoft account and your Windows 10 PC settings that do not match. These settings must be the same. For example, if you have an American Microsoft account, the settings must be set to America. Thus, the solution easily available to you is to configure the Microsoft account and the settings of your PC on the same. read more


Video playback problems, problems and errors on Windows 10/8/7/7

Problems can sometimes occur if you have played a video on your Windows PC; the video can freeze or delay. Most of these problems are caused by faulty or damaged codecs, Flash plugins, players or device drivers. Let me suggest some corrections that can help you solve such problems.

Windows is not only an operating system for business and work, but also for entertainment of all kinds. Would you like to listen to your favourite music? No problem, go ahead. If playing video games and watching movies are your guilty pleasures, then take your time. What happens if you can’t play the videos on your Windows 10 computer? You have tried to play videos offline and online, but without success, so ask yourself if the operating system works, or maybe it’s the whole computer. read more


System recovery fails with the creation of a shadow copy at an expiration date of 0x810001010101

If the creation of system restore points on your Windows PC fails and you A hidden copy has expired, error code 0x81000101, then this message may help you.

A hidden copy has expired

1] First create a system restore point.

2] Then open the WinX menu and click Run. Enter services.msc and press Enter to open Windows Service Manager. Check here if the Volume Shadow Copy service and its dependencies are running. The default setting is Manual. If it does not boot, click the Start button and try creating a system restore point now. read more


The exe or COM program has stopped working under Windows 10

on your Windows 10/8/7 operating system if you receive an error message : The exe or COM substitute program no longer works. A problem has caused the program to malfunction. Windows will close the program and notify you when a solution is available, so here are some troubleshooting steps I would suggest to fix such bugs.

What is COM Surrogate

The process dllhost.exe is named COM Surrogate. It is located in the System 32

folder Microsoft says,

COM Surrogate is the sacrificial process for a COM object running outside the process that requested it. The explorer uses the COM substitute, for example when extracting thumbnails. When you switch to a folder with the thumbnails enabled, the Tag Browser launches a COM substitute and uses it to calculate the thumbnails of the documents in the folder. It does so because Explorer has learned not to trust thumbnail extractors; they have a poor stability record. Explorer decided to absorb the performance losses in exchange for improved reliability, which led to the removal of these questionable code bits from the main process of the Explorer. If the thumbnail extractor crashes, the crash destroys the COM substitution process instead of the explorer. read more


Your trial period for this application has expired Error in Windows 10

Some Windows 10 users have indicated that they will not be able to use a Windows Store application even after purchase and instead of This application cannot be opened Your trial period for this application has expired. Visit the Windows store to purchase the complete message from the application .

If the license for a particular application has expired and you need to purchase it, this may be a legitimate case. But there have been some reported cases where this bug is thrown , even if you have a purchased version of the application. This manual will help you correct this error. read more


How to disable quick action icons in Windows 10 Action Center

If you don’t have much use for the Quick Action Icons in the Action Center of Windows 10, you can simply delete or hide these 4 displayed buttons. The Notification and Action Center on Windows 10 displays important notifications at the top of the screen and provides buttons to quickly perform important actions.

By default, Action Center displays 4 quick actions, with an arrow that you can use to expand or collapse the Action Center to display more than 4 buttons. The new operating system even allows you to select and organize the quick actions to display – but you can also hide the display of these 4 quick actions as follows. read more


Connection to a Windows service could not be established Error message in Windows 10

Sometimes you receive an error message – The connection to a Windows service could not be established. This usually occurs when the operating system is unable to boot or connect to a system service required to execute its commands. This can be the Group Policy Client Service, System Event Notification Service or anyone else. If you receive this error, the troubleshooting depends largely on the service in question. This post can guide you on the direction to take. read more


Troubleshooting activation problems with Windows 10 helps you solve your activation problems

Some Windows 10 users have problems trying to activate their operating system copy. And this problem was not only limited to those who upgraded from Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 to Windows 10, but also to those who might have performed a clean installation. When attempts have been made, users have generally received one We cannot enable Windows on this device now.

To solve this problem, Microsoft has released a Windows 10 Activation Troubleshooter that automatically identifies, fixes and solves your activation errors and problems. read more


What happens after the expiration of the free Windows 10 upgrade date?

Microsoft is offering all users of Windows 8.1 Update and Windows 7 SP1 the Windows 10 upgrade for free until July 29, 2016. But what happens after the expiration date of the free Windows 10 upgrade?

When does the free Windows 10 upgrade expire?

The free upgrade offer for Windows 10 expires on July 29, 2016 at midnight. After that, if you decide to upgrade, you will have to pay.

What happens after the free Windows 10 upgrade offer expires?

If you are a user of Windows 8.1 Update or Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and your device supports the new operating system, you have already received free upgrade notification via the Get Windows 10 application. Free upgrade is not available for devices running Windows RT or Windows RT 8.1. Enterprise customers with an active software assurance subscription for volume licensing have the advantage of switching to Windows 10 Enterprise offerings outside of this offering. read more


How to enable the black theme of the Twitter application on Windows 10

Twitter for Windows 10 is a universal Windows application for Windows 10 PCs and tablets that gives you instant access to your Twitter account. Fans of themes with a dark or black background will be happy that you can also enable the dark theme for the Twitter application.

First of all some strong points of Twitter for Windows 10 App:

      • Twitter Live Tiles
      • Multiple tweets photo – upload up to four photos per tweet
      • Animated GIFs
      • Vine playback
      • Tweets with photos, vine videos and other selected content now a preview in your home timeline
      • Share photos privately in direct messages.

      Activate Dark Theme for Windows 10 Twitter App

      To activate Dark Theme, type Twitter in the Windows 10 search field and open the Twitter desktop application and log in to your account.

      Select Me on the left side and click Settings on the right side. read more

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