

Create a password reset disk with a USB key on Windows 10/8/7

passwords are something we forget, and the reason is that we tend to create complex and secure passwords that are difficult to remember. In this article, I will explain how create a password reset disk on a USB stick, which makes things easier and helps you recover a lost password if you forget your Windows 10/8/7 computer password.

Create a password reset disk

Step 1: Insert your flash drive into your computer. Then right-click the USB stick and click Format.

Step 2: Open the Control Panel, then click the Open User Accounts applet. Here you will find the link Create Password Reset Disk. read more


How to add a custom color for the Windows 10 taskbar

Windows 10 default settings give the taskbar, action center and even the user interface start menu a black color, but this does not limit the user’s ability to change the color of their choice. The latest version of the operating system includes several options and various settings to customize the taskbar and start menu in Windows 10, as such you can add a custom color to the taskbar in Windows 10 App Settings.

Add a custom color to the taskbar in Windows 10

To do this, launch the’Preferences’ application. Select the’Customize’ tile from the menu and select the ‘Colors’ option. read more


Select the quick actions to display in the Windows 10 Action Center

Quick Actions in the Notifications and Actions Center of Windows 10, you can quickly perform actions for your frequently called functions or features. This can be all settings, Connect, Battery Saving Mode, VPN, Bluetooth, Brightness, Notice, Tablet Mode, Wi-Fi or Hibernation. Here you can select or select the quick actions to display.

UPDATE: Things have changed a little in Windows 10 Anniversary Update. You can now drag and drop the quick action buttons.

Choose Quick Actions for display in the Action Center


To set your settings, open the Windows 10 Settings application, click System, then click Notifications & Actions to open the next window. read more


The computer screen flashes after updating Norton under Windows 10

If you have upgraded your Norton security product to the latest version – perhaps after upgrading your computer to Windows 10 and you see your desktop or laptop screen blinking, this message may help.

Computer screen flashing after Norton upgrade

Norton has detected this problem and fixed it. The product you have installed may be Norton 360, Norton Internet Security, Norton AntiVirus or any other Norton security product.

After downloading the tool to your desktop, you must start your Windows computer in safe mode with Networking. To do this, run msconfig (16) > Boat tab. Select Secure Start and Network, click Apply and restart your computer. read more


Windows 10 cannot be enabled. Product key locked.

If you receive an error message when trying to activate Windows 10 that Windows 10 could not be activated, this message may help you. Maybe you upgraded to Windows 10, or you installed Windows 10 cleanly, or maybe even your Windows 10 product key blocks a clean installation after the upgrade.

Windows 10 product key does not work

The way to get there is to switch from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. If you clean Windows 10 directly and use your previous key, it will not work.

Windows 10 cannot be enabled

If you upgraded from Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Upgrade to Windows 10 for free and received Windows 10 not enabled, try this : read more


To use the Contact Support application under Windows 10

We covered various features of Windows 10 to help you better understand them before you start, because well started is half done! A new feature added by Microsoft in Windows 10 is a safety net for users who do not find the help they need. Users can now contact Phone or Chat with Microsoft Answer Tech Support Team via Contact Support App in Windows 10 to solve problems related to Windows, Internet Explorer, Edge, OneDrive, Office, Xbox, Bing, Microsoft Account, etc. You can chat online or schedule a call. read more


Windows 10 for Businesses and Enterprises – Highlights and Features

Customized recommendations to clients.

  • Personal and interactive customer experience on Windows devices stimulates insurance sales
  • Manage customer transactions while maintaining branch functionality
  • Interactive and digital screens enable customers to serve themselves.
  • Capturing data, taking photos and submitting complaints in real time increases productivity
  • Case studies on Windows solutions for financial solutions can be found here.

    Windows solutions for airlines

    • Mobile point-of-sale terminals offer exceptional onboard service.
    • Maximize loyalty and revenue by customizing in-flight entertainment.
    • Improve crew engagement by providing on-call inventory and passenger data verification
    • Replace heavy paper flight bags with digitized electronic flight bags.
    • Real-time monitoring with integrated ground operation.

    Here you will find all case studies on Windows solutions for airlines. read more


    How to enable or disable email notifications from the email application under Windows 10

    Windows 10 comes with many changes and various settings. E-mail notifications for the Mail application were disabled by default for a strange reason during my installation. You can see a notification in the Notification and Action Center, but you may not receive notification for each new email. However, you can customize and configure email and other notifications based on your preferences and receive notification for each email you receive in your inbox. You can also set email notifications and action alerts for a specific email account or for multiple accounts. read more


    Change the Cortana language under Windows 10

    Cortana speaks American English, but you can change her language and let her speak the language of your choice. However, Cortana supports very few languages, but more languages are expected to be added soon. Cortana currently supports American English, British English, German, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese and French.

    Changing the Cortana language under Windows 10

    We have seen how to configure Cortana. To change the language of Cortana under Windows 10, you must first install the language under Windows 10. When you are finished, click Options. Here I used German as an example. read more


    Start the Windows 10 settings pages directly with these commands

    If there are Windows 10 settings that you access frequently, you want an option to open them directly by clicking a desktop shortcut or right-clicking in the context menu, with the right mouse button? Now, in this post, we see the URI for the setup applications that directly open the respective setup page.

    URI for some Windows 10 settings

    A URI or Uniform Resource Identifier is a string used to identify the name of a resource. So, if you know the URI for each parameter, you can create its shortcut on the desktop or modify the Windows registry and add it to the context menu. read more

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