
How to Repair “Checking Your Browser Before Accessing” Problem on Windows 10

Many users report that their browser freezes when they click on a link to open a Web site and the following message appears.

Usually, this is not a problem, as after a few seconds you will be redirected to the Web page you are trying to open. But it can be a little disturbing if the browser gets stuck on this error message. So in this article, we’ll suggest ways to fix this problem.

What causes the “Check Browser Before Accessing” error message? read more


How to Troubleshoot Camera Error Code 0x200F4246 (0x80040154) in Windows PC

Microsoft Windows 10 comes with an integrated version of the camera app that makes life easier for users. But unfortunately, many users get the error code: 0x200F4246 (0x80040154) when using the Camera app. This error code occurs when a user tries to activate the Camera app to access the webcam.

This causes the Camera application to fail. It can be described as a system error that somehow affects the system files of the camera application. This problem is very annoying because it limits the user’s freedom to use all camera-related applications such as Skype, Zoom, etc., which are mostly used for business, study, and personal purposes. read more


How to Troubleshoot ‘This Share Requires the Obsolete SMB1 Protocol’ Error Message

You are getting the message “Cannot connect to File Share. This share requires an outdated SMB1 protocol” when you try to access a remote file share? If yes, the problem is that the remote server you are trying to connect to is using an outdated SMB1 protocol for the share (Windows 10 uses SMB2 or higher by default).

However, SMB1 is included in the optional Windows features for users like you, who can enable it if needed. Follow these guidelines and you should be able to connect to a remote file-sharing server without any problems. read more


How to Troubleshoot Error Code 0x000001F7 on Microsoft Store

Many people are currently experiencing error code 0x000001F7 when launching the Microsoft Store. This error usually prevents users from accessing and downloading new windows applications as well as updating existing applications.

In this article, we have collected various methods to fix error 0x000001F7. Before proceeding, we advise you to reboot your system and see if it works.

What causes error code 0x000001F7 in Microsoft Store?

  • Malware attack on your system
  • Defective MS Store components
  • Applications not working properly.
  • Malfunction of Microsoft Store server
  • Conflicts between the Windows Store and applications installed on your system
  • A mismatch between the date on the MS Store server and the date on your computer’s display

How to resolve error code 0x000001F7 in Microsoft Store? read more


How to Troubleshoot “Check Bluetooth Radio Status” Problem on Windows 10 Computers

Windows 10 has a built-in Bluetooth troubleshooter that can automatically resolve most Bluetooth issues. However, if the troubleshooter returns a “Check Bluetooth radio status – Not resolved” error message, you can use this method to solve the problem. Since there is nothing the troubleshooter can do, we have to try to resolve the problem manually, since there is nothing you can do to resolve the problem.

What are the causes of the ‘Check Bluetooth radio status’ error?

How to solve the ‘Check Bluetooth radio status’ problem?


How to Solve “Internal Exception Java.IO.IOException” Problem on Minecraft

Minecraft is one of the most popular video games of recent years and has managed to become an industry icon. For a long time, it has been fueled by content. In recent days, however, many players have encountered an “Internal Exception” error code that is preventing them from enjoying the game.

Minecraft players report that they get an “Internal Exception:” error message when trying to join a kingdom. If the error message appears, the game cannot continue. read more


How to Troubleshoot Windows Update 0x80070012 in Windows PC

Windows updates are essential for Windows 10 systems, especially because they deliver security updates to your computer. However, sometimes users encounter the Windows Update 0x80070012 error when trying to update Windows 10. In such a situation, you should read this article to find a solution.

What causes Windows Update 0x80070012?

  1. Disability Services.
  2. Faulty software installed
  3. Hardware or driver conflicts
  4. A corrupted update has been downloaded.

How to resolve the problem with Windows Update 0x80070012?

Launch the Windows Update troubleshooter

  1. Run the Run utility by pressing Windows + R.
  2. Type ms-settings:troubleshoot in the text box and press Enter. The Windows Update troubleshooting screen troubleshoot
  3. Now go to the troubleshooting screen. Scroll down the list of suggestions and click on Windows Update.
  4. Select Run troubleshooting
  5. Wait for the troubleshooting tool to find any possible problems with the Windows Update utility.
  6. Once the tool completes its analysis, click Apply and fix.
  7. Finally, wait for the process to complete.
  8. Then reboot your computer.

Running Windows Update on reboot read more


How to Troubleshoot Error 0xc0000102 in Windows PC

“Error code 0xc0000102” is an error name that usually contains detailed information about the fault, including the cause of the fault, the failed system component or application, and some other information. The numeric code in the error name usually contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application in which the failure occurred.

The problem associated with this code can occur in many different places in the system, so even if the name contains some details, it is still difficult for the user to determine the cause of the problem and fix it without specialized technical knowledge or appropriate software. read more


How to Troubleshoot Direct3d11 Error 0X087A0001 in Windows 10 PC

In general, PC experts refer to Direct3D11 error 0X087A0001 as a type of “runtime error.” Microsoft developers typically evaluate Direct3D using a series of error removal modules to meet industry standards. Although software developers try to avoid this, some minor errors, such as 0x087A0001, may not be detected at this stage.

What causes Direct3d11 error 0X087A0001?

  • Standard resolution is not supported
  • The game is not compatible with Windows 10
  • GPU driver version is unstable or outdated
  • Windows 10 optimization settings are not used
  • High DPI scaling is not supported by the app
  • The application does not support system color mode

How to resolve the Direct3d11 0X087A0001 error?

Launch the program in compatibility mode read more

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