
How to Resolve SearchProtocolHost.exe High CPU Usage Problem on Windows 10

Searchprotocolhost.exe is an executable file and represents Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host and has been introduced in Windows XP, 7, 8 and can also be found in the latest versions of Windows 10 and 11.

Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host plays an important role in the Windows operating system and is responsible for the search performance on your computer. When SearchProtocolHost tries to find files and direct them to an address, it obviously has a high hard disk/processor load and disabling it causes other systems related to the Windows operating system to fail. read more


How to Repair Avast Service High CPU Usage Problem on Windows PC

Because security tools perform real-time operations, they consume a lot of resources. But when an antivirus tool consumes all the CPU power, things get complicated.

Users using Avast, a popular antivirus tool, constantly face high CPU load. If you find yourself in this situation too, we have a solution for Avast Service High CPU Usage.

What causes Avast Service High CPU Usage

  • The incorrect installation process of Avast antivirus tool.
  • Incorrect way of system shutdown due to power failure or other reasons.
  • Deletion of a system file or registry entry.
  • The consequence of a virus or malware attack.
  • Problem with Avast settings

How to fix Avast service High CPU load

Repairing Avast

  1. Type Control in the Windows 10 Cortana search box and select the Control Panel option that best suits your needs.
  2. You can also press Windows + R, type Control Panel, and then press Enter to open it.
  3. Select View by Category in the upper right corner, then click Uninstall Program under Programs.
  4. Find the Avast program, right-click on it and select Uninstall.
  5. On this page, select Repair to restore the program.
  6. Then click Yes to confirm the operation.
  7. Reboot your computer.

Remove the Cleanup Tool from Avast

  1. Open the Avast user interface by clicking on the icon on the taskbar.
  2. Click the Menu button in the upper right corner and select Settings.
  3. Switch to the Components tab.
  4. Find the Avast Cleanup Tool and click the down arrow next to it.
  5. Then select Uninstall Component and click OK to confirm the uninstall.
  6. Restart the Avast program.

Update Avast to the latest version

  1. Open the Avast user interface by clicking on the icon on the taskbar (notification area).
  2. Click on the Menu button in the upper right corner.
  3. Then click on Settings.
  4. Click the General tab, then switch to the Update tab.
  5. Click both buttons to check for new updates.

Frequently Asked Questions read more


How to Troubleshoot NVIDIA Container High CPU Usage on Windows 10 PC

Everyone who buys an Nvidia graphics card needs software to run it properly. While the most important part is the driver, there are also many additional services and processes used by other programs that are related to GPU performance. This is why you can find many related entries in the Task Manager.

Under normal circumstances, none of these processes should consume much of the computer’s processing power, unless they are temporary activities such as automatic updates. However, many users have complained that the NVIDIA container consumes too much CPU power than it should. Of course, this behavior can cause a lot of inconveniences because it can slow down your computer or interrupt other processes. read more


How to Repair Google Chrome High CPU Usage in Windows 10 Computers

Despite Microsoft’s best efforts, Windows 10 users still prefer Google Chrome over the Edge browser. Unfortunately, sometimes Chrome can use too much CPU and memory for no apparent reason. When Google Chrome is open, it can use up to 40-50% of CPU power. The browser already runs more processes in the background than any other web browser on the market.

Users are usually warned when they notice that Chrome is opening a lot of processes and consuming too much CPU power. If you’re looking for a solution to prevent Google Chrome from consuming too much CPU and RAM, follow these steps. read more


How to Repair Firefox High CPU Usage in Windows 10 Computers

When you use the Firefox browser, it consumes more memory and uses high CPU resources to display web content or download anything from the Internet.

If you are experiencing similar issues and are frustrated with high memory consumption when using Firefox, this post provides some effective ways to fix the issues.

What causes high CPU load in Firefox?

  • Faulty extensions and themes
  • Faulty hardware acceleration
  • Not enough RAM in your system
  • Defective content-prefs.sqlite file
  • Powerful processes running in Firefox.

How to fix high Firefox CPU load?


How to Repair Steam Client Bootstrapper High CPU Issue in Windows PC

Steam is a well-known online platform among the gaming community. It allows gamers to download their favorite PC games directly to their computer, which means you no longer have to go to the store to get a physical copy, which is so convenient for you.

Although Steam is a stable platform, there are cases where users have experienced high Steam Client Bootstrapper CPU load on Windows PCs, whether it’s single-player or multiplayer games. In this latest troubleshooting article, we will look at the Steam Client Bootstrapper high CPU load problem on Windows. read more


How to Repair ‘Steam Update Stuck’ Issue on Windows 10 PC

For most users, Steam is the preferred platform for managing various games and applications. However, some Steam users encounter some problems when updating Steam or games. According to reports from these users, Steam updates sometimes freeze, and Steam does not load updates at all.

It’s difficult to determine the exact cause of this problem in each case. But luckily, there are several possible solutions to this problem, and feel free to try them one by one.

What is causing the Steam update to freeze?

  • If the package file has been corrupted, you may get a Steam Update Stuck error.
  • Damaged files in the download cache may be the cause of the Steam Update Stuck error.
  • Some features may be blocked by the Windows system, causing a Steam Update Stuck error.

How to resolve the Steam Update Stuck issue?

Clear your download cache

  1. Click on Steam and select Settings.
  2. Click Downloads on the left side of the window.
  3. Click Clear Download Cache.
  4. In the Empty Download Cache dialog box that opens, click OK.
  5. Then log back into Steam.

Start Windows properly

  1. Open the System Configuration window by typing MSConfig on the Run menu.
  2. Select the Selective startup radio button.
  3. Then check the Load system services and Use the original boot configuration boxes in the Selective startup section.
  4. Clear the Load startup items check box.
  5. Select the Services tab.
  6. First, select the Hide all Microsoft services option.
  7. Then select the Disable all option.
  8. Select the Apply option.
  9. Click OK to close the System Configuration window.
  10. A dialog box opens where the user can choose to reboot.
  11. In this window, select the Reboot option.

Open Steam as an administrator

  1. Press the Windows + E key combination.
  2. Open the Steam folder in File Explorer.
  3. Right-click on Steam.exe in the program folder and select Properties.
  4. Click the Compatibility tab.
  5. Select the Run as administrator option.
  6. Click the Apply button.
  7. Click OK to close the window.


How to Troubleshoot Error 0x80073D01 While Installing or Uninstalling Windows Store Apps

For a long time, Windows was the only major platform without an official app marketplace. Now that it exists, longtime users are wondering why Microsoft bothered to publish such an App-Store.

The dysfunctional App-Store is prone to errors, one of which is error code 0x80073D01. This error code occurs when users try to install or uninstall a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application through the Windows Store.

What causes Windows Store Apps error 0x80073D01?

  • Frequent Windows Store cache error: According to some affected users, this problem can also be caused by a Windows Store glitch that prevents new installations from fully registering.
  • Applocker glitch: It turns out that a glitch caused by Applocker is a fairly common occurrence of this error.

How to resolve the Windows Store Apps error 0x80073D01?


How to Repair Steam Client Bootstrapper Not Responding Problem on Windows PC

When you try to log in to your Steam account, you may see that the Steam client loader is no longer working and the “Steam Client Loader is not responding” error message is displayed.

And although you can use the client, you will not be able to play games on the site because of this error. So keep reading this article to learn more about the Steam Loader and fix the problem: The Steam Client Loader is not responding.

What causes the Steam client loader not responding? read more


How to Repair Steam “Game is Running” Error Message on Windows 10

One of the problems you may encounter when trying to run a game via Steam is the “Game failed to start (application already running)” error message. This problem occurs if the previous game was not stopped properly or if you simply forgot to stop it. Sometimes, however, this problem can be more difficult to solve, especially if you permanently shut down the game after exiting it.

What causes an “unfinished game is running” in Steam?

This problem occurs if the previous game was not closed properly or you forgot to quit it. Outdated graphics drivers, compatibility issues, etc. can also cause this malfunction. The worst part is that you can’t play all your favorite games, including the card game Spider Solitaire Masters. read more

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