
How to Troubleshoot High CPU Usage by GfxUI.exe in Windows PC

As a Windows user, you have probably already encountered unexpected problems. At least, many of us have.

In this particular scenario, you found that a Windows process called gfxui.exe is consuming a large percentage of your CPU (up to 50% or even 100%). As a result, it takes a long time for your computer to start up. It becomes very slow and often crashes.

What causes GfxUI.exe to have a high CPU usage?

In most cases, it is either a conflict of two video cards or a problem with Intel HD Graphics drivers, which causes the gfxui.exe process to occupy a lot of hard disk space and cause high CPU load. read more


How to Troubleshoot High CPU Usage by CSISYNCCLIENT.EXE on Windows 10 PC

Imagine a situation in which your system slows down day after day until it reaches a stage where it occasionally almost freezes. As with most times when your system slows down, check the Task Manager. This indicates that some processes are overloading the system so that hard disk usage reaches 100%.

If the situation occurs gradually, rather than suddenly, there is a good chance that the process CSISYNCCLIENT.EXE is using a lot of system memory. This, of course, can be checked.

What causes CSISYNCCLIENT.EXE to have a high CPU usage?

  • Virus
  • Malware
  • Software incompatibility
  • Registry entries corruption

How to eliminate CSISYNCCLIENT.EXE high CPU load?


How to Repair WMI Provider Host High CPU Usage ‘WmiPrvSE.exe’ on Windows PC

Several processes can take up resources on your computer. One such process is WMI Provider Host (WMIPrvSE.exe). This article discusses the Windows Management Instrumentation service, what it does, and why it causes high CPU utilization on your computer.

What causes high CPU load for WMI Provider Host (WmiPrvSE.exe)?

WMI Provider Host high CPU load usually occurs when another application requests information or data through WMI. However, the WMI Provider Host should not have a high CPU load for a long period. If the WMI Provider Host CPU load persists in Windows 10, it is a sign that there is something wrong with your computer. read more


How to Repair High CPU Usage by Audiodg.exe on Windows 10 PC

Sometimes actual Windows processes cannot work properly, which causes high CPU usage and slows down your computer. Audiodg.exe is such a service.

This process, created by Windows to manage the system’s audio functions, is known for often causing problems and using 100% of computing resources. Why do these problems occur and how can they be solved? Find out in this article.

What causes high CPU usage of audiodg.exe file?

  • It is possible that the sound driver is not updated.
  • Drivers required for gaming devices may not be updated.
  • If certain audio effects are enabled, this process is accelerated.

How to solve the problem of high CPU load by audiodg.exe?


How to Repair High CPU Usage by Xboxstat.exe on Windows 10

When a process uses a lot of system resources, it loads RAM. In general, I advise all my readers that a Windows 10 system should normally have 4 GB of RAM instead of the usual 2 GB. But even if you have enough RAM, high-end games consume a lot of resources.

You can check hard drive usage through Task Manager. In many cases, users have reported that xboxstat.exe uses a lot of system resources. Hard disk usage remains high because of this process.

What causes xboxstat.exe high CPU usage?

When the Xbox controller is connected to a Windows 10 system, the xboxstat.exe task runs every time the system starts up. Essentially, the function of this task is not important to the controller’s operation and can be stopped. read more


How to Repair High CPU Usage by Sppsvc.exe (Software Protection Platform Service) on Windows 10

On a Windows 10 computer, the “sppsvc” process causes high CPU usage. The “sppsvc” process is part of the “Software Protection Platform service”, which is responsible for downloading, installing, and applying digital licenses for Windows and Windows applications.

In this guide, you will find instructions on how to solve the problem of high CPU usage by Software Protection Platform (sppsvc.exe) in Windows 10.

What causes high CPU usage of sppsvc.exe?

  • If you are using the original Windows, sppsvc.exe will interfere with third-party applications.
  • If you are using pirated versions of Windows, sppsvc runs in the background and tries to authenticate Windows.

How can I fix the high CPU load of sppsvc.exe?

Performing a Windows update

Press the Windows + I keys and select Updates and security. Open the “

Windows Updates read more


How to Repair High CPU Usage by RAVBg64.exe on Windows PC

Ravbg64.exe is a process that is part of the Realtek High Definition Audio codec or Realtek driver. In general, it should not be stopped because Realtek HD Audio is a tool that helps control audio on your PC.

Normally, ravbg64.exe runs in the background and should not consume much processing power or memory. If you encounter the problem with high CPU usage of the ravbg64.exe file, you can try to solve it by applying the following methods.

What causes high CPU usage of ravbg64.exe file?

  • Virus infection
  • Outdated audio drivers
  • Damaged Windows system files

How to eliminate high CPU usage of RAVBg64.exe?


How to Repair High CPU Usage by LockAppHost.exe on Windows 10 PC

You know Windows comes with timely updates, and if we are talking about Windows 10, it comes with some amazing features, but it also has some software and hardware issues. So, in this article, we are going to discuss the problem which is known as lockapphost.exe high CPU error which usually occurs in Windows 10.

What causes high CPU usage of LockApphost.exe?

  • Deletion of Lockapphost.exe files accidentally or maliciously.
  • Incomplete installation or improper loading of Windows 10 software.
  • Due to a conflict with another program with the operating system and help files.
  • Damage to registry keys related to Lockapphost.exe file or Windows operating system.
  • Infection by a virus or malware causing damage to the Windows 10 operating system files or Lockapphost.exe file.

How to eliminate the high CPU load from LockAppHost.exe?


How to Resolve Desktop Window Manager High CPU Usage (dwm.exe) Problem on Windows 10

Everything you see on your computer screen, whether it’s a Windows, Mac, or Linux device, is generated by system processes that control everything from network connectivity to the user interface. Windows users may be familiar with some of these processes, such as explorer.exe for displaying the desktop, but other processes are less familiar.

System processes, such as dwm.exe, are common and integral parts of the Windows operating system. In particular, dwm.exe helps create a graphical user interface for Windows, but can sometimes cause significant CPU load. If this is the case, here’s what you need to do to fix the problem. read more


How to Repair System Interrupts High CPU Usage Issue on Windows 10

No matter how powerful your processors are, there is always something consuming all your resources. Perhaps the most unpleasant problem to solve is high CPU utilization due to system interrupts. Note: this is almost always caused by hardware or device drivers.

The steps you can take to solve this problem are described below. We will cover this in more detail later.

What causes system interruptions High CPU utilization?

System interrupts are an official part of the Windows operating system that controls the interaction between your computer’s hardware and systems. It appears as a process in Task Manager and shows CPU usage for all hardware interrupts. read more

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