
How to Troubleshoot ‘Windows cannot locate a suitable printer driver’ Problem on Windows 10

Printing problems always occur at inconvenient times. The message “Windows can’t find a suitable printer driver in Windows 10” is an annoying problem that can occur when you’re trying to share a printer over a local network or are installing a printing device for the first time.

So if you can’t get a nice printed copy of an electronic document because of the above inconvenience, it’s time to learn how to troubleshoot when Windows can’t find the right printer driver. To that end, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of tried and tested tips that you can follow. read more


How to Troubleshoot ‘Devices and Printers Not Loading’ on Windows 10

Through Devices and Printers, you can get an overview and quick access to all connected and wireless devices on your computer. From here you can also manage, add and remove smartphones, portable music players, digital cameras, webcams, monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, scanners, Bluetooth adapters, and more.

The Hardware and Sound Control Panel, Devices, and Printers are also easily accessible. But sometimes users report that devices and printers don’t load. Especially after the latest Windows 10 update, devices and printers become unresponsive. read more


How to Troubleshoot ‘Can’t Remove Printer’ Issue in Windows PC

Since the launch of Windows 10, many users have reported problems with printers. In addition to a large number of incompatibility issues that limit certain Windows 10 features, many users report that they lose the ability to remove their printer in the traditional way.

In most cases, this problem starts with a simple Windows 10 error that reports a problem with the printer. When the user tries to uninstall the printer, Windows 10 refuses to remove it. Some users report that when uninstalling a printer through the “Devices” menu, there is a persistent “uninstalled” status that does not improve over time. read more


How to Troubleshoot ‘Your Printer has Experienced an Unexpected Configuration Problem’ on Windows PC

Printers are needed in the workplace, but there have been several reports of problems with them. When printing documents, you may get an error message saying that your printer has an unexpected configuration problem.

What causes the message ‘Your printer has an unexpected configuration problem’?

This error message can have several causes, such as a printer input error, an outdated version of the printer driver, conflicts with third-party applications, a recent Windows update, or problems with the printer not being shared on the network.

How to resolve the “Your printer has an unexpected configuration problem” message?

Launch the Microsoft Printer Troubleshooter program

  1. Download the Microsoft Printer Troubleshooter tool from the official website.
  2. Click on the installer to start the troubleshooter.
  3. In the Troubleshooting interface, select the Printers option and click Next.
  4. If prompted, click Try Troubleshooting as administrator.
  5. Close the troubleshooter and start the printer.

Updating the printer driver

  1. Press the Windows + R keys to open “Run”.
  2. Type “devmgmt.MSC” and press Enter to open Device Manager.
  3. In Device Manager, expand the Printers section.
  4. Select your printer from the list of printers (if you have more than one connected) and right-click it.
  5. Select “Update driver”.
  6. Select “Automatically check for driver updates”.
  7. Allow Windows to check for updates. All updates will be automatically downloaded and installed.

Printer sharing

  1. Press the Windows + R key combination and type Control to open the Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel, locate “Devices and Printers”. Open Devices and Printers.
  3. Now right-click on your printer and select Printer Properties.
  4. Click the Sharing tab and turn on the ‘Share this printer’ option.
  5. Click Apply to save your changes.
  6. Now try printing your document again.


How to Troubleshoot “Printer Cannot be Contacted Over the Network” Issue in Windows PC

Sometimes you cannot print from a device that you have added as a network printer. After running the Windows printer troubleshooter for your printer, the troubleshooter cannot solve the problem and displays an error message: The printer cannot be connected to the network.

What causes “Cannot communicate with the printer over the network”?

The printer’s IP address is dynamic: This is not always a problem, but some printers behave badly if their IP address is not static, so make sure you change it.

Key services are disabled: The functioning of the printer depends on several services, especially if it is a network printer. Make sure that all required services are enabled. read more


How to Troubleshoot Printer Not Activated Error Code -30 on Windows 10

You are currently seeing the error message “Printer not activated, error code -30”. Perhaps you are attaching an important file to an email or want to save a PDF file in Adobe or another program. But you can’t do that, and an error message appears instead.

What causes error code -30 “Printer not enabled”?

The most common reasons for the “Printer not enabled, error code -30” message in Windows 10 are that the user account does not have permission to print files, the default printer is not installed, and the drivers are outdated or corrupt. read more


How to Resolve ‘A Startdocprinter Call Was Not Issued’ Problem on Windows 10

The error ‘A Startdocprinter Call Was Not Issued’ is caused by a hexadecimal error format. This is a common error code format used by Windows and other Windows-compatible software and driver manufacturers.

This code is used by the manufacturer to identify the error that occurred. This error code “A Startdocprinter Call Was Not Issued” has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases, the error may contain additional parameters in the format “A Startdocprinter Call Was Not Issued”. These additional hexadecimal codes are the addresses of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error. read more


How to Troubleshoot Printer Keeps Printing Documents in an Inverted Color Scheme Problem on Windows PC

So, you’ve just bought, plugged in, and configured a new printer, but when you print a document you find that it has an upside-down color scheme or format. Ironic, isn’t it? That means the background is black and the text is white, but that’s the opposite of your documents.

What makes a printer print documents in an inverted color scheme?

  • An outdated printer driver.
  • Incorrect printer configuration.
  • Incompatibility with the system.

How to solve the problem when the printer prints documents in an inverted color scheme?

Launch the printer troubleshooter read more


How to Troubleshoot Windows Image Acquisition High CPU (WIA) Issue

Windows Image Acquisition is the driver model responsible for communication between the system and graphics hardware. Sometimes it causes high hard disk and CPU load on Windows 10 systems, which slows them down. This post will help you solve this problem.

What causes a high CPU load when getting Windows images?

  • Destructive hardware.
  • Malware or viruses on your system.
  • Windows Image Acquisition service may not be working properly.

How to solve the high processor problem with Windows Image Acquisition?


How to Repair Malwarebytes Service High CPU Usage Issue in Windows 10 PC

Malwarebytes is a very popular antivirus tool for Windows and one of the best malware scanners available on the market. However, using the full package can sometimes be difficult as users report that the service sometimes experiences abnormally high CPU load.

This problem persists as long as Malwarebytes is running on your computer, making it unusable. Fortunately, there are several ways to solve the problem of high CPU usage while Malwarebytes is running.

What causes Malwarebytes’ high CPU usage problem?

It is difficult to find a direct reason why Malwarebytes service consumes so much CPU power. You can simply perform a clean installation and then install the latest version, and this solution does work for many users. read more

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