Network of Technology Projects

Network of Technology Projects, a World Wide Web space dedicated to the design engineers and technical products.

We link together, creating a community to share design ideas.

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Latest projects

  • Stabilizer Voltage AC 1.5kW (22-04-2014 09:48)This project to design a stabilizer voltage AC for electronic devices….
  • Resonant Half-Bridge LLC (22-04-2014 05:23)The C2000TM High Voltage Resonant LLC Developer’s Kit is designed to show users how to quickly implement a digitally controlled Resonant LLC topology DC/DC converter….
  • Digital electrical stimulation equipment (22-04-2014 04:13)This project to design a digital electrical stimulation equipment. …
  • Power Line Communication Modem (22-04-2014 03:28)This project to design a power line communication modem….
  • Embedded Monitor System (21-04-2014 23:39)This project to design a embedded monitor system for data logged and control device via the internet or GMS….
  • Development Kit ARM – Cortex M3 (21-04-2014 23:25)This project to design a development kit for education use chip ARM Cortex-M3….
  • Electric meter 1 phases (21-04-2014 12:06)This project to design a electric meter 1 phases for the AC line parameters….
  • Electric meter 3 phases (20-04-2014 23:28)This project to design a electric meter 3 phases for the AC line parameters….
  • Measurement Temperature – Humidity (20-04-2014 09:16)This project to design a measurement system temperature and humidity….
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