

How to Resolve “It’s time to update your device” Error Message while Installing Software

Microsoft releases Windows updates from time to time to avoid bugs and provide additional protection against malware and infections. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you update Windows on time.

The error message “It’s time to update your device to continue receiving app recommendations” is due to an outdated version of Windows. This version of Windows reaches EOS (End of Support), so this pop-up appears forcing you to update Windows to the latest version.

So here we are going to fix this error to help you and give you a better solution. read more


Troubleshooting DirectDraw Error on Windows 10 Legacy Games

If you got an error with DirectDraw as the keyword in its description, you probably tried to run a certain app or game. Other users have also complained that their games don’t open because of DirectDraw errors. So the problem you encountered is not really an exception.

DirectDraw is a DirectX component used by most games and advanced graphics programs in Windows. To be honest, DirectX errors vary greatly. So it makes sense that the messages or descriptions informing you of problems might be different. Messages that affect DirectDraw are usually as follows: read more


How to Resolve Error 0x800c0006 on Windows 10 PC

Error code “0x800c0006” is a problem name that contains detailed information about the error, including the cause of the error, which component of the system or application failed, and other information. The numeric code in the error name usually contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application in which the failure occurred.

The problem associated with this code can occur in different places in the system. Thus, even if there are some details in its name, it is still difficult for the user to identify and fix the cause of the problem without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software. read more


How to Repair Error 0x803c0103 on Windows Update Troubleshooter

Windows updates, which are designed to provide users with new features, fix bugs, and provide brand new capabilities when using the operating system, can also sometimes have bugs. This is especially problematic with Windows 10 because these updates have been made mandatory by Microsoft and will be installed even if you object to them.

This has made it almost impossible to prevent these bugs by not updating. Moreover, if you are having problems with Windows updates, one of the first solutions offered in almost every guide is to use the Windows Update Troubleshooter. read more


How to Solve Error 0x8007016a “Cloud File Provider is not Working” on Windows 10

OneDrive error 0x8007016A, Cloud file provider is not working is one of the cases Unexpected error message cannot copy file when trying to delete or move/copy folders or files located in OneDrive folder. In this post, we will identify the possible causes and suggest the best solutions for this problem.

What causes the error 0x8007016a?

Error 0x8007016A is usually caused by an existing Microsoft Office package on your computer. When the problem occurs, users may not be able to use certain features and functions of Microsoft Office, such as cut, copy and paste. read more


How to Resolve: Sling Error 8-4612

Sling TV is a very popular streaming TV service that has proven successful in providing content in all categories. However, it seems that some users are encountering the Sling 8-4612 error when trying to use the service from their devices on all platforms such as Windows, Android, iOS, Smart TV, Smart Dongles, etc.

If you also encounter this problem, follow this guide.

What causes Error 8-4612 in Sling TV?

There can be several reasons for Sling 8-4612 and 5-419 errors. Your Internet connection may be bad and you may not be able to access the live stream. There was a problem with the network itself, so you will have to wait. read more


How to Repair “Error 0x0000052E” in Windows 10 PC

Some Windows users report that they constantly see error code 0x0000052E (Windows can’t connect to a printer) when trying to connect a new printer to their computer.

In this article, you will learn what this problem means, what its possible causes are, and how to solve it.

What causes error 0x0000052E in Windows 10?

  • If you get this warning on your PC, it means that your system has malfunctioned.
  • Error code “0x0000052e” is one of the problems that users may encounter as a result of the improper or failed installation or uninstallation of software that has left invalid entries in system items.
  • Other possible causes include improper system shutdowns, such as due to a power failure, accidental deletion of a required system file or writing of a system item by someone with insufficient technical knowledge, and several other factors.

Fixing error “0x0000052E” in Windows 10?

Use the login information manager

Windows 10 has a built-in login manager that stores all passwords, including those for logging in to websites, connected apps, and networks. You can save your password there, and it will be used automatically when you try to install the printer. read more


How to Repair CorsairVBusDriver.sys BSOD Error in Windows 10

Recently, some users reported that they encountered the CorsairVBusDriver.sys blue screen error after updating their PC. This problem causes the operating system to crash and automatically reboot.

This error code indicates an ‘SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED’ error and indicates a CorsairVBusDriver.sys failure.

If you also encounter a similar error code, here are some pairs of methods that can help you fix the problem.

What causes CorsairVBusDriver.sys to fail?

Many factors can cause a CorsairVBusDriver.sys error message. However, the most common cause is an outdated or faulty device driver. There is also a problematic Windows update that affects system processes. read more


How to Repair .Docx Files Not Showing Word Icon on Windows 10

It is very easy to identify the type of file by looking at its icon. This feature helps users quickly identify the right file type from a stack of different file types. If the Word icon does not appear for .doc or .docx files on your computer, this is very problematic for you. To solve the problem, follow these step-by-step solutions and you will see a normal Word icon on .doc and .docx file types.

Why do .docx files not display the Word icon?

This type of problem is usually caused by a conflict with the default program settings in Windows, so you do not see the Microsoft Word icon on .docx files. So, if you suddenly find that the Microsoft Word icon is empty or missing and not displaying properly on Office .doc and .docx document files on your Windows 10 computer, you can try the possible solutions listed below. read more


How to Resolve the “Windows Could Not Format” SD Card Error Message

Normally, you can format an SD card on a Windows computer without any problems. But sometimes you may encounter a situation where you cannot format the SD card due to various unknown reasons.

In this article, I will describe the reasons that lead to this problem and the solutions that will help you solve all kinds of problems with unformatted SD cards.

What is the cause of the “Windows failed to format” SD card message?

System file error on your SD card: It’s likely that your SD card is corrupted for another reason. The reason may be a system file error. And you already know that Windows refuses to work with a corrupt SD card. read more

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