

Repairing Performance Counter Error 0xC0000BB8

The error 0xC0000BB8 can be recorded by EventSentry if a particular performance counter is unavailable or disabled.

0xC0000BB8 error

If the counter is disabled, you can use the Extensible Performance Counter List utility to reactivate the counter. The error message looks like this:

“The performance counter “PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk Queue Length” could not be monitored due to error “0xC0000BB8″. Please make sure that the performance counter exists. If you are running a non-english version of Windows then performance counters are named in the language of the Operating System. ” read more


(Solved) Update Error Code 8024200D Repair Guide

Error 8024200d or WU_E_UH_NEEDANOTHERDOWNLOAD means that the update manager has not installed the update because it must be downloaded again.

error 8024200D

The easiest solution would be to download the update installation package from the Microsoft Update Catalog and install it manually.

Check out these solutions we have listed to help you fix Update Error 8024200D:

Run Windows Update troubleshooting (if you have not already done so)


a. Open the search by tapping on the right side of the screen (or, if you use a mouse, point to the upper right corner of the screen and move the mouse pointer down), then press Search or click.
b. Tap on or click on Settings, then type the troubleshooting in the text box.
c. Tap on or click on Troubleshooting in the list of results.
d. Tap or click on Fix problems with Windows Update, click on Next, then follow the instructions. read more


How To Fix Installing Update Error 0x80070652

Run the Windows Update troubleshooter. Run System File Checker. Update the device driver. Reset the software distribution folder. Install the update manually.

If you are getting error code 0x80070652 with the message ERROR_INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING, it means that a previous Windows installation failed. This usually happens when the update is blocked.

Or fix to replace missing DLL files.
Check your Internet connection.
Restart Microsoft Update.
Repair the registry key.
Rename the software distribution folder.
Perform a system restore.

If you’re seeing Windows Update error 80070020, it’s possible that another program is interfering with Windows Update. Restart your computer, run Windows Update again. read more


Fix Adding Printers via Group Policy are Not Installing Error 0x800703EB

Error 0x800703eb occurs when you deploy printers via group policy. The policy is that the correct settings are made, but the printer is not displayed. The following printer error may occur in the Event Viewer:

The computer ‘’ preference item in the ‘Printers {6CDA8498-65F2-4B71-BA11-666293604519}’ Group Policy object did not apply because it failed with error code ‘0x800703eb Cannot complete this function.’ This error was suppressed.

0x800703eb Printer Error

Group policy settings were introduced with Windows Server 2008 and are still present in Windows 2012. Compared to “simple group policies”, they extend the possibilities of configuring computer and user settings. read more


Fixing Error 0X80072745: Windows Mobile-based device failed to connect due to communication failure

The Windows Mobile device cannot connect to the Windows Mobile Device Center with error code 0X80072745.


In the Device Manager, “HP USB Sync” appears to work correctly under mobile devices, but the entry “Portable Devices”, “Windows Mobile Device” appears with a yellow exclamation mark. The Install Hardware dialog box indicates that the installation has failed.

The Windows Mobile Device Center displays “Connect” for a longer period of time, then abandons and displays a white cross in a red circle with “Error” next to it. read more


Fix Printer Error 0x00000005: Operation could not be completed. Access is Denied.

The printer error 0x00000005 can also be abbreviated as STOP 0x5, but the complete STOP code is always the one displayed on the blue STOP message.

0x00000005 printer error

If Windows can start after the STOP 0x5 error, you may be prompted to restore Windows after an unexpected shutdown.

There is not much information about the error 0x00000005, but there is a simple solution that I found. This error 0x00000005 is usually caused when you cannot set your new printer or another printer as the default printer.

The error message looks like this: read more


File too large – The file is too large for the target file system

This message will help you if you cannot copy large files larger than 4 GB to a USB stick or SD card and you receive a message – file too large, the file is too large for the destination file system message when copying a large file.

I recently received the message File Too Large error when copying a 4.8 GB zipped file from my Windows 10 PC to a new 8 GB USB drive. If you receive such a message, even if you know there is enough space for the file, you must do the following to copy the file successfully. read more


How To Resolve 0x80244019 Update Error

According to users, sometimes your antivirus can interfere with your system and cause error 0x80244019 to appear. To fix this problem, it’s advised to disable some antivirus features and check if that solves the problem. If that doesn’t work, the next step is to completely disable your antivirus.

Press Windows Key + I to open Settings.
Go to Updates & Security and then go to the Troubleshooting section.
Select Windows Update, then click Run the troubleshooter. Run the Windows Update troubleshooter.
Wait for it to be completed.

Restart your computer and run Windows Update again.
Check for driver or hardware conflicts.
Leave some disk space. That
try the Windows Update troubleshooter.
stop updates.
Clear the software distribution history.
Download the latest feature update from Microsoft.
Run System File Checker (SFC). read more


Windows Update 0X80070420 Error Repair

Windows Update 0x80070420 error appears when you try to update Windows using the Windows Update program or Microsoft Update websites to install new patches on your computer. The error 0x8007040420 prevents the update from terminating and prevents you from using the latest version of Windows. The error is mainly caused by corruption or damage to files or settings, which means that they do not work properly in your system. You must be able to fix these errors in order to update Windows again. This tutorial is a functional solution to the problem. read more


How to configure Windows 10 to create dump files on the blue screen of death

Right-click the Start button, then select Control Panel. Click System and Security > System. Click Advanced system settings. Under Startup and Recovery, click Options. Set up debug logging to generate a small memory dump.

Open the control panel.
Click System and Security.
Click System
Open “Advanced system settings”
Open Startup and Recovery – Settings.
Select the desired Windows 10 BSOD dump file type.
Select the location of the dump file for Windows 10. read more

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