

Troubleshooting: Microsoft Store `Check your connection` Error

Microsoft Store error code 0x80072F30 occurs when the Store does not start properly or cannot connect to the Internet. The error may be caused by a stopped Windows Update service, a corrupted Windows Store cache, or the quality of your Internet connection. The error message appears as follows:

Check your connection, Microsoft Store should be online and you don’t seem to have one.

What causes the Microsoft Store “Check connection” error message?

External error: Sometimes other applications or PC settings prevent Microsoft Store from detecting your network. Your computer’s firewall or local network settings may also prevent the application’s connection-specific features from working. read more


How to Resolve: No Internet Connection in Windows 10

Windows 10 updates tend to break things, and the latest Windows 10 version 2004 update was no exception. According to many forum posts, the latest annoying bug prevents Windows 10 applications from accessing the Internet, even if the PC is successfully connected and the web browser is working properly.

Unfortunately, the error appears without warning or reason. If you see a yellow “No Internet Access” error triangle in the Windows 10 taskbar and can’t connect to the Internet in apps like Steam, Spotify, or Fortnite, but can browse the web as usual, then you have an error. read more


Troubleshoot error 0x3A98 when generating WlanReport via CMD

Error code 0x3A98 occurs when users try to run a full WlanReport from the command line. This scan is usually performed by users experiencing problems connecting to their own wireless network.

If you too are facing the error 0x3A98 on your PC, this article will help you get rid of it with a few solutions that have helped other users.

What causes error 0x3A98 when generating a WlanReport via CMD

Router mismatch: as several concerned users have confirmed, this problem can also be caused by a problem related solely to your router or modem.

Current Network Problem: It turns out that a faulty network component may also be responsible for this error message. read more


Fix Roku error 016 – Unable to connect to the Internet

Fix Roku error 016 - Unable to connect to the Internet

You can stream unlimited video over the Internet with your Roku device, but sometimes there are problems when you watch videos or start a channel or an error code appears on your TV screen, you don’t have to worry about these problems.

You need to understand the basic requirements for using the latest technology, and then you can use the service without any problems. One of the most common problems with Roku is discussed here. You can read it and fix the problem quickly.

If you set up a Roku device with TV and WIFI, but can’t use it and encounter a Roku error 016 code or get the same error code when trying to connect your Roku device to a router via WIFI, you can easily fix the problem if you know the cause. read more


Fixing error code 014.30 on Roku

Fixing error code 014.30 on Roku

Having problems with error code 014.30 on your Roku device? This error usually occurs due to a poor Internet connection or no connection at all when trying to stream your transmissions. However, it can also occur if you entered the wrong username or password to log in to your Roku account.

If you’ve already made sure that you entered the correct login information, you can follow some simple methods to fix Roku error code 014.30 without any problems.

What causes the Roku 014.30 error code

What causes the Roku 014.30 error code

The error usually appears as a purple box that takes up most of the screen. Below is a common message that appears: read more

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