office 365


Repair MS Office Error: Access denied to installation source

Today, while installing Microsoft Office 2016, I ran into a very strange problem. The machine I was trying to install this latest package on was Windows 10 Pro, and it was an inactive system (not part of the domain). The problem was an error message that caused the installer to fail:

Access denied to installation source

Unfortunately, there was a problem accessing the required file. Please check that the installation source has the correct permissions, then try again.

Office 2016 with Click-to-Run (CTR) technology comes with an online installer. If the installer fails, you will have to start the installation from the beginning. There is also no guarantee that the error will stop if you restart the installation. Therefore, you should fix the problem first and then try the installation again. read more


How to fix: OneDrive login error code 0x8004de40 in Windows 10

How to fix: OneDrive login error code 0x8004de40 in Windows 10

When trying to log into the OneDrive desktop client, you may encounter a OneDrive error code 0x8004de40. The full error message sounds like this: There was a problem connecting to OneDrive and prompts you to try again.

This error can occur for a variety of reasons, including improper Internet settings and a corrupt OneDrive installation.

If you also encounter this error, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you fix the OneDrive error code 0x8004de40 in Windows, so read on.

If you encounter this error code, there is no need to panic. We will tell you the different ways to solve this problem. read more


How to Repair: OneDrive error code 0x80070185 in Windows 10

How to Repair: OneDrive error code 0x80070185 in Windows 10

OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud-based solution for almost all of your online needs. You can use it to download and store your files, photos, videos, and other documents and access them at any time. However, some Microsoft OneDrive users complain that they get error code 0x80070185 when trying to access and download files using a Windows 10 PC.

The full error message reads as follows,

“Error 0x80070185: Cloud operation failed.”

What is the cause of Windows 10 OneDrive error code 0x80070185?

What is the cause of Windows 10 OneDrive error code 0x80070185?

There can be several reasons for this error, such as increased file size, corrupted installation files or certificates, cache problems, Windows registry problems, internet connection problems, antivirus or firewall problems, etc. read more


Resolved: Search Results in the Mail App Disappear when Clicked

Resolved: Search Results in the Mail App Disappear when Clicked

Microsoft has significantly improved the built-in Mail app in Windows 10. But even with the improved version, some users report that they can’t receive emails or search results in the mail app disappear when clicked.

Not being able to see search results in the mail app when clicked can be a big problem. Therefore, we have prepared a few solutions that we hope will be enough to solve the problem of search results in the mail app disappearing when clicked.

Before proceeding to solve the problem, first, check if restarting your system and router will solve it. Sometimes the problem can be solved by restarting the system. So, let’s start with our guide. read more


How do I fix the Outlook WebApp cannot download attachments

Outlook WebApp

Outlook Web App, now known as Outlook on the Web, from Microsoft, is a Web-based e-mail client that allows users to access Exchange Server mailboxes from any Web browser. Users can use the OWA access URL, account username, and password to access the mailbox in a Web browser. You can create and send emails with attachments using Outlook Web App and even work offline with Outlook on your desktop.

There is a problem with Outlook on the web where it stops downloading email attachments – it is limited or does not download attachments. This blog is designed to provide users with information on why the “Outlook Web App can’t download attachments” problem occurs and how to solve it. read more

Outlook, Windows

How to resolve the Outlook error 80041004 in Windows

How to resolve the Outlook error 80041004 in Windows

The Microsoft Office suite is one of the most widely used emails and information managers on Windows devices. Although it offers great features and functionality, it is not completely free of bugs and flaws. Lately, most users report an error when trying to send or receive an email. The error displays Outlook error code 80041004, which indicates that the error may be caused by some type of file corruption.

Outlook error is most often caused by misconfigured files or settings in the application itself. In most cases, these problems can be resolved by simply restarting the PC or forcibly closing and restarting the application. But there are many cases of corrupted data, incorrect profile, etc., so you can follow the methods below. read more

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