

Since the APC Index Mismatch BSOD is usually caused by a faulty driver, a good way to fix the problem is to check for new updates on your computer. You can check for new drivers through Windows Update. While you’re at it, it’s a good idea to install new system updates to fix bugs and improve your system’s stability.

Apc_index_mismatch in Windows 10 is an error caused by driver incompatibility or faulty hardware. Windows stop code 0x00000001 or apc_index_mismatch is sometimes attributed to Realtek and nvidia drivers. For this reason, in order to fix the problem, you must identify the driver and then uninstall or disable it.

Blue Screen errors are the worst, but knowing what to do to resolve the problem will help you get your computer back and your work done. They can happen even after you upgrade your OS to the latest version. An example is the STOP ERROR: APC_INDEX_MISMATCH.
You may have received this error after upgrading to Windows 10. It sometimes comes with any of these error codes: 0x0000001, 0xC6869B62, 0x97503177 or 0x02A7DA8A. read more


Code 3 error: The Driver for this device might be corrupted or System may be low on memory

This problem can also be caused by a memory issue on your computer. If there is not enough memory to run the driver in Windows, code 3 will appear. So you can close some applications running in your Windows to get more available memory or install RAM (Random Access Memory).

How to fix error code 3? Error Code 3 can occur for a number of reasons, but the following steps may help.
Uninstalling a game To uninstall a game, open the game manager by clicking the game manager icon.
Reinstall the game.
Uninstall the manager and reinstall the game.

Update the driver through the device manager menu. Windows 10 automatically updates your drivers with the updates it releases.
Reinstall drivers.
Run the Windows Troubleshooter. Your
Scan the system for viruses using Windows Security.
Update Windows 10. read more


Windows 10 error: Windows needs your current credentials

When Windows says you need to enter your current credentials, verify your account, and change your PIN. Then update your computer to the latest version. Also remove all your Windows credentials and restart your device. If your computer is managed by an organization, contact your IT administrator for assistance.

If you are installing a legitimate program from a legitimate source, a User Account Control (UAC) dialog will appear asking for your permission to continue. If at any other time a UAC window pops up, chances are you don’t know something and are trying to install something you don’t like.

Remove everything from Credentials Credential Manager.
Disable autostart of the Credential Manager service.
Disable password protected sharing.
Change the local security policy.
Add credentials to manager credentials.
Set the IP address to automatic.
Change the network profile to private. read more


Windows 10 error: Element Not Found

If starting File Explorer results in an “Element Not Found” error, a reboot may be sufficient. All you need is to stop and restart Windows Explorer.Process exe. To do this, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to launch Task Manager.

Remove recent updates. Open the Settings app.
Temporarily disable your antivirus program.
Remove the Lenovo software from your computer.
Restart Explorer.exe.
Define a different image viewer.
Run an SFC scan.
Disable integrated graphics.
Restart your computer.

You can get this quick fix by going to System Preferences > Updates & Security on the screen. From the Troubleshoot menu, click Windows Update Troubleshooter. Any potential issue can be resolved automatically using the Windows Troubleshooter. read more


Windows Error: “You can’t keep Windows settings, personal files and apps because your current version of Windows might be installed in an unsupported directory”

The ultimate solution every Windows user resorts to is reinstallation. Installing a fresh copy of Windows resolve most problems with computers. Sometimes, while running Windows 10 setup, you get an error that renders you incapable of keeping files and settings. It may provide you this message:

You can’t keep Windows settings, personal files, and apps because your current version of Windows might be installed in an unsupported directory. read more


Activated Windows 10 is asking for Activation

This error may appear if the product key has already been used on another device, or is used on more devices than allowed by the terms of the Microsoft software license. To solve the problem, buy a key product for each of your devices to activate Windows on them.

Click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then click regedit.exe in the program list.
Locate and click the following registry subkey:
Change the DWORD value of Manual to 1.
Exit the registry and editor and restart your computer.

If you have a digital license for your device, you can reinstall the same edition of Windows 10 on that device without entering a product key. Make sure Windows 10 is activated before reinstalling. To find out, click the Start button, then select Settings > Update & Security > Activation. read more


Troubleshoot Windows 10 Activation Errors: List or error codes and fixes

A lot of people are loving the upgrades the got when the changed to Windows 10. Their software gave them a great professional look on the desktop, better organization of the files and applications and an assistant that can help run programs, locate them, provide news and updates and more. Windows 10 was definitely a huge leap from its predecessor OS platforms, except for an isolated few who are experiencing activation errors on Windows. If you are having the same problem, worry no more, because this article will outline some quick fix for Activation error codes.
Users who upgraded to Windows 10 have the ability to reinstall without problem of ever reactivating, since Windows 10 stores the information in the PC and helps the installation program collect that information if there are needs for re-installation. However, like any other operating system, there can be a few users who will face this problem if they reinstall their Windows 10 or something similar to that. If that is the case, then do the following: read more


Task Scheduler Error: The selected task “{0}” no longer exists

The Task Scheduler is a new app for Windows 10 which lets you schedule tasks that you want your computer to run automatically. However, you might receive an error that says”The selected task “{0}” no longer exists, To see the current tasks, click Refresh.” Clicking the Refresh button simply gives you the same error. No sweat, just follow these steps to fix the Task Scheduler error.

Delete Corrupted Tasks

The first logical thing to do when you are getting this kind of error is to delete corrupted tasks, since these may cause big issues. To do that, open Registry Editor by typing regedit on the search window. Navigate to this path-
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\
You will see currently set tasks in the Task Scheduler. Go from the latest to the oldest ones, opening each and taking note of the ID. Copy the IDs you will delete in Notepad or sticky notes. read more


Windows 10 Error: This Device cannot start (Code 10) STATUS_DEVICE_POWER_FAILURE

What is this device that can’t start. (Code 10) Status_Device_Power_Failure. As the name suggests, the system cannot detect the hardware device. This error occurs with an Intel Bluetooth adapter that appears after installing a Windows update or even after rolling back the latest update.

If you see the message “Device won’t start (Code 10) – Problem, status_device_power_failure” after installing the Windows 10 feature update, restore your system to a previous version. To do this, follow these steps: 1. From the Start menu, select Settings > Update & Security.

(Code 10) error can occur if you have an incorrect or outdated network card driver. Therefore, you need to update your network card driver to see if it fixes the problem. If you don’t have the time, patience, or computer skills to manually update your network card driver, Driver Easy lets you do it automatically. read more


Windows 10 error: Please insert a disk into Removable Disk

1: Step Log in as an administrator account on your PC and press Windows + X to open Disk Management. Step 2: Right-click on the removable disk partition and under Disk Management, change drive letters and paths. Step 3 Change the drive letter to a unique drive letter.

Use a different USB port.
Try manual heating or forced cooling.
Use reliable third party recovery software.
Update your Windows driver.
Assign a unique drive letter for USB.
Reinstall drivers.
Try the manufacturer’s repair program.

If you’re getting a “Please insert a disk into a removable disk” message (the disk is trying to open the device), it might be because: Your removable disk is not properly connected. Your USB key, not recognized by the computer, becomes inaccessible. read more

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