
How to Troubleshoot High CPU and Memory Usage By MRT.exe on Windows Computers

MRT.exe is a legitimate Windows program executable file, abbreviated as Malicious Removal Tool. In a way, this file helps protect against infections, so you may notice increased CPU and memory usage.

In addition, when infected, the MRT.exe process can cause a high CPU load. To make sure that the spike you are seeing is not caused by an infection, let’s read on to find out how to eliminate high MRT.exe CPU and RAM usage.

What causes high CPU and memory usage by MRT.exe?

Possible causes of these problems are improper software installation, file replacement by a virus or (less likely) infection by malware. As for viruses, they often masquerade as original Windows files. If the MRI is corrupted, it can lead to strange things: false alerts, suspicious links, blocking access to applications, disabling processes, etc. read more


How to Troubleshoot PresentationFontCache.exe High CPU or MEMORY Usage on Windows PC

The PresentationFontCache.exe is an executable file that comes along with the Microsoft .NET framework in Windows 10 and older versions. The primary task of Presentation Font Cache is to load and provide font glyphs to all the Windows Presentation Foundation (commonly abbreviated as WPF) application, such that these applications can use these fonts.

What causes PresentationFontCache.exe high CPU or memory usage?

It has something to do with the corrupt font in the cache. After some time, the font’s information in the memory might get corrupted or unresponsive. This sometimes leads Presentation Font Cache to misbehave and stuck in a restart loop. So, all of this starts using a lot of CPU which creates a lot of problems. read more


How to Troubleshoot ‘Service Host Delivery Optimization’ High Disk or CPU Usage on Windows PC

Host Delivery Optimization Service is, as the name suggests, a service that optimizes the delivery of important updates to your system. It runs in the background on your system and consumes very few resources.

So if you find that this host delivery optimization service is unusually using your network bandwidth (more than 2 Mbps) for an extended period of time, there are some issues that need to be addressed manually.

What is causing the “Service Host Delivery Optimization” to load your hard drive or CPU high?

Your Windows Store may be automatically downloading updates in the background, which is causing the problem. The Windows Store is often ignored because we don’t use it daily. read more


How to Troubleshoot WWAHost.Exe High Disk, CPU or Memory Usage on Windows 10 PC

wwahost.exe is an executable exe file which is a part of the Microsoft WWA Host process that comes with the Microsoft WWA Gostitelj program developed by Microsoft Windows operating system developer.

If the wwahost.exe process is important in Windows 10, you should be careful when removing it. Sometimes wwahost.exe process can be associated with CPU or GPU. If it is malware or a virus, it may run in the background.

What causes WWAHost.exe High usage of hard disk, CPU or memory?

WWAHost.exe is a legitimate Microsoft program. It is even one of the most important system files in Windows. So if you see WWAHost.exe running in Task Manager, it’s normal and you shouldn’t be too worried. read more


How to Repair Msrtn32.exe High CPU, Disk or Memory Usage on Windows PC

If your Windows 10 computer is slowing down, the first thing to do is to check the resource usage status in Task Manager. In such cases, it jumps up to 1000%, which causes the system to freeze or crash because some programs use most of the system’s resources. This is exactly the case with msrtn32.exe.

Msrtn32.exe is a malicious file that can try to steal your digital currency. It can install itself on your computer if you install a browser plugin or extension that can change your browser defaults, web page content, and search results, and show a lot of intrusive ads. read more


How to Resolve High CPU and Battery Usage by Microsoft Teams on Windows 10 PC

By default, Microsoft Teams starts automatically with your computer and remains active in the background, ready and waiting to be used.

During active use, Microsoft Teams tries to use all available computer resources to give you the best possible video streams.

However, this behavior can sometimes lead to high memory, CPU, and battery usage in Windows 10, especially on low-cost computers with little RAM and CPU.

What causes high CPU and battery usage in Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is based on an electronic platform. As a result, it constantly loads a large number of libraries. Some users believe that this is the reason Teams uses so much memory. read more


How to Troubleshoot High CPU Usage by RuntimeBroker.exe in Windows Computers

Runtime Broker (RuntimeBroker.exe) is an executable file located in the System32 folder on Windows computers. The main role of the Runtime Broker is to ensure that applications running on the computer have the necessary permissions to run on the system.

Although the Runtime Broker is a legitimate Windows process, it has gained a reputation for causing significant memory and CPU usage. Below are steps you can take to eliminate the high CPU load of Runtime Broker in Windows 10.

What causes RuntimeBroker.exe high CPU load?

In some cases, a faulty Windows program or third-party software can make Runtime Broker use 100% of the CPU, up to one gigabyte of RAM or more. read more


How to Resolve High CPU Usage by IAStorDataSvc on Windows 10 PC

For users who do not know: IAStorDataSvc is a system process that represents the Intel Storage Data service. It is not a virus, malware, or malicious application. This process is used in Intel Rapid Storage Technology and helps store all frequently used files and applications on the SSD (Solid State Drive), keeping them accessible.

This will allow you to access all of your favorite applications much faster. In other words, it will help improve the overall user experience when using your computer. In addition, the Dynamic Storage Accelerator (DSA) feature of Intel Rapid Storage technology is used to adjust the system’s power consumption policy, which can increase SSD performance by 15%. read more


How to Repair High CPU Usage by SearchIndexer.Exe on Windows 10 PC

SearchIndexer exe is an executable file and is a Microsoft Windows Search Index Builder and was introduced in Windows XP, 7, 8 and can also be found as good in recent versions of Windows 10 and 11.

Microsoft Windows Search Indexer was originally known as Windows Desktop Search (WDS) and plays an important role in indexing files for Windows search, i.e. it searches in the background for the location of various files and feeds them into Windows File Explorer or Start Menu.

Why does searchindexer.exe have a high CPU load?

This error usually occurs if you have recently re-created the search index or if you have mistakenly deleted the folder with the index data. Also, sometimes this problem is caused by corrupted system files, a virus, or a malware infection. read more


How to Repair High CPU Usage by Service Host: Local System “Network Restricted” on Windows 10

The Host: Local System service is a collection of system processes, or let’s call it a generic container to host services. It contains processes such as Windows Auto Update and many necessary system services that run within it.

As a result, it is very likely to use a lot of hard drive, memory, RAM, and even network bandwidth, draining your computer’s resources, especially after Windows 10 updates.

What causes high CPU usage from Service Host: Local System?

It can be caused by improperly running programs, services, or corrupted system files. It can also be caused by malicious software. read more

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