Updated February 2025: Stop getting error messages and slow down your system with our optimization tool. Get it now at this link
- Download and install the repair tool here.
- Let it scan your computer.
- The tool will then repair your computer.
The 0xc0000001 error can be caused by a variety of causes, the most common of which is the corruption of system files or corrupted memory. Alternatively, this error may be caused by a missing or corrupted SAM (Security Account Manager) system file.
The blue screen error occurs when a serious problem causes Windows 8 to stop or restart unexpectedly. There are several reasons why this type of error occurs on the computer. They usually occur when there are pilot problems in the computer. However, this may also be due to other software/hardware reasons.
In this case, the error code: 0xc0000001 indicates that there may be problems with the boot device or that some boot files are corrupted. This can also happen if there is a problem with the computer’s boot sector.
Repair Windows
February 2025 Update:
You can now prevent PC problems by using this tool, such as protecting you against file loss and malware. Additionally, it is a great way to optimize your computer for maximum performance. The program fixes common errors that might occur on Windows systems with ease - no need for hours of troubleshooting when you have the perfect solution at your fingertips:
- Step 1 : Download PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista – Microsoft Gold Certified).
- Step 2 : Click “Start Scan” to find Windows registry issues that could be causing PC problems.
- Step 3 : Click “Repair All” to fix all issues.
You can perform the following steps and try to repair the operating system.
1 – Turn off the computer, restart the system.
2. Press and hold “SHIFT” immediately in the system logo screen and press the “F8” key to enter “Recovery” and select “See repair option advanced”.
3. Click on “Troubleshooting” in the “Select option” section.
4. Click on “Advanced” under “Troubleshooting”.
5. On the Advanced Options screen, right-click Windows Startup Configuration.
6. Now click on “Restart” under “Windows Startup Settings” and let your system complete the process. If the repair is carried out without modification of your records.
Note: If the problem persists, you can try the’Automatic Repair’ option in the previous step and see if it can solve the problem.
Convert the reader/partition to GPT
If you need to manually delete the player and convert it to GPT, proceed as follows:
Step 1: Turn off your computer and insert your Windows 10 installation DVD or USB stick.
Step 2: Boot your computer with the USB stick or DVD in UEFI mode.
Step 3: Once you are in the Windows 10 configuration, press Shift+F10. The Command Prompt window opens.
Step 4: Open the CMD Diskpart tool. Just type diskpart and type.
Step 5: Then enter List Drive again on CMD. Press Enter. This allows you to identify the drive on your computer that you want to reformat.
Step 6: Select the drive and reformat it by typing the following at the command prompt:
- Select the hard disk (press Enter)
- Cleaning (press Enter)
- Convert gpt (press Enter)
- Exit (press Enter)
Step 7: Continue with the installation of the Windows 10 configuration.
Check RAM
Check if you have recently added new RAM modules. Users actually reported that a new RAM module was the real cause of this boot error. Modify the RAM modules to see if they trigger this error.
Uninstall the problematic software in safe mode.
Step 1: Restart your PC. Press the “Shift + F8” key when the window screen begins to load.
Step 2: Select these options in the order indicated: “Troubleshooting”> “Advanced Options”> “Start Configuration”. Finally, click on “Restart”.
Step 3: After restarting, press “F4” to activate the safe mode.
Expert Tip: This repair tool scans the repositories and replaces corrupt or missing files if none of these methods have worked. It works well in most cases where the problem is due to system corruption. This tool will also optimize your system to maximize performance. It can be downloaded by Clicking Here