Creative Composition

Hello and welcome to my Gimp tutorial. My name is Jacob Philpott and I am a graphic designer Today we are going to learn how to make a photo-manipulation using an eye free stock, I hope you enjoy my tutorial!.

1. Open up the eye stock image provided here. Credit of the stock belongs to soraneko. Resize and sharpen the image to an appropriate size. Now use the clone tool and get rid of the glare in the pupil.

2. Duplicate the layer and erase every part of the image except for the eye. You can do this using the plain eraser tool or use different tools if you prefer. Now change the top layer’s mode to “Dodge”. If when you erase the top layer you get a color, then go to Layer>Transparency>Add Alpha Channel.

3. Open up an image of space with stars and copy and paste the image into our document. Erase all but the pupil area of the eye. Keep the layer mode on Normal.

4. Create a new layer and fill it with color #68b4d4. Now go back to the space layer and go to Layer>Transparency>Alpha To Selection. This should select the current layer. Now go to Select>Grow and grow the selection by 3 pixels (may vary depending on how large or small the image is).

5. While on the blue layer, go to Select>Inverse and the Edit>Cut. Now change the layer mode to “Hue”.

6. Create a new layer. Go to your brush tool and select a medium sized hard brush. Click on Brush Dynamics and make the settings match this:

7. Now click on the Paths Tool. If you don’t know the basics of the Paths Tool, watch this brief video tutorial: . Now create a path, STARTING FROM OFF THE CANVAS towards the dark spot of the eye. Go to Stroke Path and make sure Paintbrush is selected and “Emulate Brush Dynamics” is checked. Make sure the foreground color is still blue.

8. Repeat this a few times on separate layers. Use the Dodge/Burn Tool to create some difference in the paths.

9. Open up a stock image with clouds and copy and paste it into our document. Move the clouds to where you want and erase the rest with a large soft eraser. Finally, change the layer mode to “Value”.

10. Create a new layer and fill it with the same blue. Lower the opacity to 50% and change the layer mode to “Hue”.

11. Finally, create a new layer and with black as your foreground color, use the paintbrush and a big soft brush to color over the border of the image. Lower the opacity to your liking.

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